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Alternative to Tree 'Cutting'

We see a lot of discussion these days about this tree 'choping' business. If us, and our beloved civic agencies are really that concerned about them, why can't we look at the alternatives. How about 'moving / relocating' them instead?

Praja meet to plan pedestrianization project

23 Apr 2009 16:00
23 Apr 2009 17:00

Thursday, Lalbagh West Gate, 4 pm

Let us make use of election day holiday to plan next steps on pedestrianization project. Refer back to recent discussions on pedestrianization possibilities for Commercial Street and Brigade Road stretch. Looks like there is enough interest and enough legs available to take this forward from mere discussion.

Me ? I'm not causing the problem !

It's always somone else causing the problem !

In general, the richer the person is:

1. The more resources he uses

2. The more he feels that he part of the solution

3. The less he feels that he is part of the problem.

Bagging it the green way

 There was a big hue and cry sometime back as I remember about plastic bags. However I see that use of plastic bags continues unabated.

Thank you for highlighting the water woes

Thank you, thank you very much Times of India, and journalists Jayashree Nandi & Aarthi R for highlighting the water woes of Bengaluru right atop your Sunday frontpage, bang next to that thing called IPL. Water shortage and quality issues came up high in Jaagore-Praja-SmartVote election issue survey here, which was a bit surprising (yeah, we know and care!). But no candidate has shown serious interest or understanding - forget solutions - for the looming water shortage faced by Namma Bengaluru.

Interested members who want to take this further, please sign up for this BWSSB tracking project which is running slow for lack of volunteers (just leave a comment there to say you want to help). We must track and understand BWSSB's projects and constraints, the understanding and impact of their initiatives (or delays) has to be taken beyond just some dedicated NGOs working in this space.

Solidarity March

19 Apr 2009 07:00
19 Apr 2009 10:00

SmartVote & Round Table India invite you to participate in the Solidarity March on Sunday, the 19th April .

Please be there, apart from expressing your Solidarity for the March, to meet like-minded people / voluntary groups and create awareness about Smartvote - Know your candidate initiatives.

Still undecided

Speaking of Bangalore North, I don't find any candidate or promise that exciting, so I am thinking that I will have to go vote for the party and not person. Wish I was in Bangalore South, seems like some good opitions there.

Outer Ring Road Flyovers - Copy of drawings

Please access a copy of the Agara and Iblur flyover drawings below.  Hope to get feedback from folks soon.  Thanks for people at Oorvani / Citizen Matters for sharing these drawings obtained through RTI.

Agara flyover:

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