How does congestion pricing work?
Submitted by idontspam on 1 November 2010 - 10:24am
349 users have liked.

This nice video summarizes what we have been discussing on these congestion pricing threads. How do you make it "fair"
...and how do you price the congestion
Will try and collect more material on this thread for reference.
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Start before it becomes too late
In related news, NYC is going for congestion charging
The London City is divided
The London City is divided into various zones based on trafic congestion. Congestion charges are collected from the vehicles that enter Central London, which is declared as congestion zone that too on daily basis for the week days only. Public Hoilidays and week ends are exempted. Good number of vehicles from all over Europe enter London city every day and all the vehicles are being charged. CCTV are fitted in all busy areas and streets. If any vehicle enter Central London without payment of congestion charges are fined very heavily.
Congestions moves
More here
drive a vehicle to or through?
Not many really drive to the CBD..unlike most other cities most of us drive through CBD..because of lack of alternates to reach over to other locations across town..so unless we have alternates its difficult to charge for congestion..
Please donot suggest anything of this sort....
Just on a lighter note, i recommend not to post anything on extra pricing, i think citizens in bangalore are already reining with extra service tax on
1. Petrol
2. Cars
3. No water and scarcity of Electricity
4. Congested Roads
5. No public transport
Hence, on a lighter note, not to suggest anything like this in Bangalore, as already all the roads and flyovers in bangalore tolled heavily (hosur, airport etc..)
Pay up for infra use
I think it's more than evident what free signal-free expressways, free parking, free flyovers, free everything has done to Bangalore, as it has in almost every other city - traffic jams, severe delays for all vehicle movements, pollution & terror on the streets for pedestrians, bicyclists, PT users & emergency services (such as fire engines & ambulances). Vehicle population in the city is now nearly half the human population - & still increasing.
Demanding subsidy & exemption from payment with excuses such as 'lack of alternates', 'existing tax', 'congested roads', 'water /electricity scarcity', etc. is grossly unfair on other road users such as PT users & pedestrians - the heavy social costs of using private vehicles have to be borne only by owners of such vehicles & not by every citizen.
Right to use & park vehicles for free on city streets is not a constitutional right & government must not allocate public funds for such infrastructure, unless there are mechanisms to recover costs from users that cause pollution & add to road congestion by consuming road & parking spaces.

Guangzhou moves to limit new cars
The municipal government of Guangzhou, a sprawling metropolis that is one of China’s biggest auto manufacturing centers, introduced license plate auctions and lotteries last week that will roughly halve the number of new cars on the streets.
The crackdown by China’s third-largest city is the most restrictive in a series of moves by big Chinese cities that are putting quality-of-life issues ahead of short-term economic growth, something the central government has struggled to do on a national scale.
...“Of course from the government’s point of view, we give up some growth, but to achieve better health for all citizens, it is definitely worth it,” said Chen Haotian, the vice director of Guangzhou’s top planning agency.
A good paper from CiSTUP on
A good paper from CiSTUP on the impact of pollution in Bangalore & recommendations which include Curtailing growth of private automobiles
Pollution in Bangalore - CiSTUP paper by Sathya Sankaran
Congestion charge recommendation
Another one by Edward L Glaeser of Harvard University recommending Congestion charging as a way to mitigate pollution & congestion
Making Sense of Bangalore by
heat generation in the city
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/01/30/urban_heat_island_measured/ Even the lack of rains last year may be related to heat generated in the city, of course it is speculation for the time being. But the heat generated in the city is steady not affected by cloud cover, etc. Bangalore' s location above the sea level could also affect monsoon rains. There will be some negative impacts from growth, and there can be better efforts to control the ill effects