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Solving City's traffic problems - Govt/Babus OUT, Citizen IN

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Ruling dispensation busy in saving their skins, divided in camps, CM dosing one fire after the other. Opposition in total shambles and behaving like headless chickens. Babus calling shots and in most cases avoiding the obivious to save their careers. There is not even one program or policy that can be said to have been impelmented in past 3 years since the incumbant govt took charge.

This is how one can describe the state of Governance in Karnataka. With Government and Babus totally out of picture in governance, policy and programme implementation, seems the space for devising solutions, programs, projects has been relegated to the ordinary citizens of Karnataka.

This is where ordinary soul like Imran, a 22 year old engineer comes in and shows a way to our govt and Babus.

"I want to make it simple and reliable. It must be an intelligent system that functions well even at night and strictly based on traffic density at the junction. More importantly, it must be able to detect ambulances a few yards away from the signal itself so that they get the right of way. This is possible if we use available technology to its maximum potential. This is what I am working on," he told TOI.


This solution already exists.
Only it needs constant reinvention. We welcome such efforts but they may have to take into consideration traffic realities on our roads. Bangalore has over 1,500 ambulances. Barring 108, almost all others work in isolation. As a result, most of them have to traverse 10 times the distance travelled by an 108 ambulance. There is a need to bring all ambulances under one umbrella with a GPS system and call centre.
— Praveen Sood, additional commissioner of police (traffic & security)

Times of India is carrying this 22 year old young man's plans to provide needed relief to the movement of ambulence in busy traffic.

Read here for more.

Courtesy - Times Of India.


psaram42's picture

Concepts for avoiding Traffic chaos

180 users have liked.


These revolves around scientific town planning [a] for minimizing  “need to commute daily” [b] Planed business districts where husband, wife and children’s work / education places are optimally placed and [c] Planned / monitored / amalgamated purely personal residential properties. Summarized these would be:-

  • Satellite towns’
  • Duel one ways enclosing the business district
  • Business Townships  with floating population
  • Amalgamated Residential localities with recreation facilities like clubs social and music for each business district etc

Having blundered in the basics would it not be foolhardy to try to innovate? A million Dollar question!

MaheshK's picture

Technology is available

183 users have liked.

The technology is already available and being used in some countries. How it can be adopted on Indian roads is to be looked into. Emergency vehicles such as fire engines and ambulances must have the right of way, similar to the motorcade of VIPs. Emergency vehicles don’t have to stop at red light.

In many cities in North America, the traffic signals operate based on the traffic density at the intersections / junctions. For example, if there is no traffic in a particular direction, the signal changes to red allowing traffic in the other direction to go through instead of waiting for a timed signal change. There are buses only lanes where there is a separate traffic light for that lane and they change the colour from red to green when the bus approaches the light. Other lanes with vehicles will be having red light whereas the bus in its own lane can move with green light.

In Canada, it appears that there is a device within the emergency vehicles that can delay the green light, keeping it for a longer time so that the vehicle can cross the intersection.  Also IBM researchers are working on a system that may predict traffic congestion and warns the drivers ahead of time.  

Some issues that need to be looked into:

1. In a scenario where there is a two lane road with heavy traffic or a traffic jam with few BMTC buses and loaded trucks in front of the ambulance.

2. Traffic police need to be trained to enable emergency vehicles to pass quickly at intersections that are manned by police instead of lights.

3. There are longer stretches of roads that don’t have traffic lights. In a traffic jam the emergency vehicles need to move quickly.

4. De-centralizing the ambulance system so that the vehicles don’t go beyond 3-4 km in an emergency situation to avoid getting stuck in the traffic. 

hari939's picture

A solution to the traffic jams at the inner ring road

160 users have liked.

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