Praja visit to City Railway Station

A Praja team that visited the City Railway Station felt that the capacity utilisation could be a lot better. Read complete report on this special visit here.
City station visit - report
Prajagalu got a glimpse of how the BBMP is managing/ proposing to manage the "municipal solid waste" from a report on a public consultation meet held in this connection
Report on CIVIC's public consultation on municipal SWM
Auto-rickshaws, and the recent government proposal for licensing 40,000 more autos in the city came in for a lot of heated debate
Auto rickshaw service in Bangalore City
BBMP plans to levy overnight parking fees
BBMP's kite-flying exercise on levying of fees for overnight parking of cars on city streets again came in for heated debate, with Prajagalu like IDS who have been championing the levy of parking fees, letting out a 'whoopee' on reading about it.
BBMP wants fee for on-street parking
Annoying driver behaviour
Annoying driver behaviour caused many Prajagalu to vent out their fury/ frustrations.
Most annoying driver behaviours
The incompetence of BBMP and the high costs thereof to the citizens turned a subject of grave concern
The incompetence of BBMP
Jan Lok Pal Bill, Judiciary
Amongst the chief architects of the Jan LokPal bill is our own Justice Santosh Hegde, and the subject naturally got discussed at length by Prajagalu, and the discussion continues. Simultaneously, the health of the judiciary in the country also received some needed attention
Interactive session with Justice Hegde: A report
Health of Indian judicial system