Bengaluru CRS - RITES Final Report
Courtesy, Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT), here is the copy of the RITES final report that submitted to the DULT. You would remember that In June/July, RITES had submitted the draft report which was deliberated upon by all the stakeholders including the "Praja-RAAG". Per DULT, this is the final version of the report based on the feedback from DULT, and SWR.
This report is avilable on DULT website - http://www.urbantransport.kar.gov.in/Bangalore_CRS_Final_Report.pdf
On behalf of Praja, a Big thanks to RITES for bringing out this wonderful report endorsing the need for CRS in Bengaluru backed up by data. This has certainly boosted the CRS chances this time.
Based on my first reading of this report (Though bulk of the content hasn't changed), here are the notable updates of Final Version:
Suggested Phases of the CRS
Phase -1 Routes ----> SBC/Yeshwantpur to Tumkur, Chickballapur and Hosur.
Phase - 2 Routes ---> To Bangarpet, Mandya, and Dodballapur.
Per this report,
"...Apart from the above cited issues, phasing of investments and corresponding benefits to the public are also important considerations while deciding the phases. Client advised that they had deliberated among their officials and desired to keep TK, CBP and HSRA sections under Phase 1 and balance in phase 2. Accordingly, total proposed investment is recommended in 3 phases.
- Phase 1: To tackle sections where the commuter demand is high i.e. constituting about Two Thirds of total demand.
- Phase 2: To tackle all balance sections.
- Phase 3: To introduce additional halts on CRS network and to increase EMU rake lengths from 9 car to 15 cars.
CRS Frequency
Phase - 1Highlights
- Procurement of 5 MEMU rakes.
- Making SBC – BNC into twin single line and BNC – BYPL into automatic signalling or IBs.
- Implementation of Commuter Rail System for Bangalore Final Report (August 2012)
- DULT Government of Karnataka 105 RITES
- Development of 4 pit lines at BYPLN.
- Development of 2 additional pit lines at YPR.
- Estimated Cost: Rs 3831 Crores.
- Time Frame: About 3 years from date of sanction by IR. However, where doubling already exists (SBC-YPR-TK), CRS can be implemented in 2 years.
- Potential for additional Services: 330 services.
- Additional Services proposed to be introduced considering the demand: 172.
Phase 2 Highlights
- In this phase, it is recommended to take up all remaining sections for full-fledged implementation of CRS in Bangalore.
- Estimated Cost: Rs. 2251 Crores
- Time Frame: About 2 years from date of sanction by IR. However where doubling already exists (SBC-BWT, SBC-MYA and YNK-BYPL), CRS can be implemented in 2 years.
- Potential for additional services: 320 Services.
- Additional Services proposed to be introduced considering the demand: 94.
- Estimated to cater for: 38% of estimated rail commuter demand in 2021.
Phase 3 Highlights
- This phase is for making use of the up graded infrastructure for serving more and more public by introducing additional halts in the CRS network and by increasing the length of EMU rakes and removing further finer bottlenecks.
- Thus, it is recommended to increase the length of EMU rakes to 12 rakes and to 15 rakes keeping the same number of services and to develop additional halts in CRS network.
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Tender for EMU / MEMU Engine 100 sets from ICF cancelled
Design, Development, Manufacture, and Supply, Testing & Commissioning of 25 KV AC Three Phase Propulsion system and Equipments for AC EMUs and MEMUs
QTY : 100 sets was called in Dec'2012 by ICF Chennai and subsequently cancelled in Jan'2013.
Part-1 of Bid document link :
Tender Cacelled Link :
2007-2008, Railway has acquired following on coaches
33 MEMU Coaches, 33 DEMU's and 193 EMU coaches during 2007-08 on Railway board report page No : 25
Capacity of each type of coaches : EMU is king
Capacity of the MEMU train = 2436
Capacity of the DEMU train = 1092
Capacity of the EMU train = 2940
details are as per the http://saiindia.gov.in/english/home/Our_Products/Audit_Report/Government_Wise/union_audit/recent_reports/union_compliance/2011_12/Railways/Report_32/Annexures.pdf
Read Annexure VIII shows clearly that SWR has only 8 MEMU Coaches and 17 DEMU coaches
Number of coaches allocated by Zone wise : Details
Only 13 DEMU coaches allocated for SWR during 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 period out of 241 MEMU & DEMU coaches.
In case of EMU coaches, 357 are allocated to various zones mainly to with lion share ER and balance to SCR, SER, NR.
This may be excluding the Coaches manufactured for MRVC for Mumbai.
Read Page No : 10
So in all cases, SWR was neglected by Indian Railway.
Also DEMU / MEMU & EMU coaches need to run minimum 500 Kms per day for better utilization as per the report
MEMU / DEMU Service in IR details
ICF Chennai & RCF Kapurthal are producing total 120 number coaches of MEMU & DEMU rakes together and another 160 coaches from other sources like Pvt vendors. This is excluding EMU coaches.
Details given on page 29.
Look at how many coaches are allocated to SWR in the last 4 / 5 years will tells that Bangalore division is neglected by Railway Board. This is good info on the MEMU & DEMU
Internodal Transit Hub Baiyyappanhalli Approved by HPC but CRS
In this case of Baiyyappanahalli Internodal Transit Hub, GOK has move so swiftly beeing aware of the upcoming elections, they have approved 300 Crore plan with Financial Aspect also with stake holders as KSRTC, BMTC & BMRC with later beeing nodal agency. Now after the approval, they will go for DPR.
In this case SWR is not stake holder and they r not consulted ????
In case of CRS every thing revolves arround DPR and once DPR is ready then it will be put up for Approval.
So u can see who calls the shots on CRS and who is big boss.
But we are sure we will get the Commuter Rail for Bangalore even though not soon but it will come and it will be as per RITES report.
BMRC views on Commuter Rail in DC news paper
Last week DC news paper carried this article
It looks now BMRC may not be interested in preparing for DPR of Commuter Rail, but in reality they may be pushing fot he same in background, lets see how muach GOK will be able to delay this project approval and sending the same to GOI
Decchan Chonilce News
Letter from Tumkur MP to GOK
Tumkur MP has written letter to CM / GOK before the meeting of 17th Nov to speed up the project :
Once again Tumkur MP wrote letter to CS on the tardy progress happening after the 17th Nov'2012 meeting
Its sad to see that Bangalore MP's are not taking interest in the city projects ???
Tumkur MP Letter to CS _ GOKGovernment, SWR to discuss commuter rail plan /
15th November 2012
The proposal for the 441- km railway network connecting Bangalore, Mandya, Tumkur, Kolar and Chikballapur districts was accepted a few months ago.
“We are proceeding with the next step of studying its feasibility and discussing the further action to be taken on the project with the stakeholders on Saturday,” said Manjula V, commissioner, Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT).
Pranav Jha, founding member of www.praja.in, an NGO that pushed the project and also a stakeholder in the project, said the project was moving in the right direction and it would give quick reruns at a low investment for travelling within and outside the city.
Good to see Pranav on news media
Syed Bhai - you are bang on
Syed Bhai - you are bang on target - political will is clearly missing. UDD, IDD, DULT etc...they are very nice body's headed by qualified people. but unfortunatly these body has to listen to the self-centered politicians. as long as a person like Modi/Chandra babu naidu (development centered) kind of go-getter doesnt take the position, such discussion/re-discussions/presentations/survey's keep on going...we can surely do follow up with all the above said dept. but the decision to say YES is always politicians...lets continue the demand for NAMMA RAILU .....
Time for Approvals, Not Proposals!
True to the words of BMRCL chief Mr. Siva Sailam, CRS is just going through to the cycles of one proposal after the other and proving his saying "If there is a will there will be a train, if not there will be feasibility reports".
If the news reports is to be believed, there will be another final version fo RITES report and another meeting to discuss the new final version. So the Party goes on.
If there had been will at government level or political level, by now GOK would have given In-principle approval to the project and kick started the formation of Bangalore CRS entity to take the project forward. Then all this talk of land, routes would have made perfect sense.
But when there is no commitment to the project, talk of land, routes are just as Naveen said nothing but loose talk. A standard bureaucratic ritual to bury the issue.
I believe, government is doing what it is best at. They have taken a decision to "Not to take any decision on CRS". It is anybody's guess to know the motivations for that decisions.
Now the ball is in our court. Citizen's court. Do we want to resign to the fate of previous CRS proposals? Do we still want to believe that GOK is very eager to implement CRS in Bangalore? Do we still want to believe that govt, Babus are not neglecting the CRS? Do we still want to believe that CRS is not getting a raw deal in the grand scheme of PT system projects in the City?
Or by now we have understood the actual reasons for push back to CRS proposals?
Though I am disappointed with turn of the events, but have not lost the hope. I might have lost hope in govt and politicians, but I have not lost hope in our resolve to fight for betterment of our lives. So my fight goes on, IA.
GOK, UDD, IDD, DULT, BMRCL! our fight for CRS is on and will continue till the end. Our resolve has only been strengthened, not weakened by your decision to 'not to decide'. We are not giving up.
@kamal - Binny Mill land
Transferring of Binny Mills is not possible,as the land does not belong to GOK. it belongs to ETA group. they have plans to construct a mall...carryfour mall is gonna be there on bill mills land.
I think all their land holdings lie west of tank bund road (aka goods shed rd). Two projects are listed on their web page - Central Bay (site area 10,525sq.ft.) & ETA Mall, Binnypet (no details). I confirmed with calls about location of both (west of tank bund rd).
The land needed for CRS lies east of tank bund rd (between tank bund rd & TCM Royan rd), directly south of SBC & is much larger in size. Do you have any idea if private parties hold this estate? For CRS, this land is vital in order to shift pit & stabling lines, which would allow existing space at SBC to build more platforms.
csm7 - thanks for input, await further after you discuss with stn mgr, etc.
@cam7 Thanks for sharing the info
One of the Officer is Mr Praveen Kumar Pandey / Sr DOM who looks after the trains scheudules and has extensively works in Bangalore Division last few years.
Lets try to get more info on the developments.
But over all, both GOK & SWR have not intention to roll out the Commuter Rail in Bangalore and whats making them to delay and keep using terminology not to implement. In 2010, same IDD & DULT including Chief Secr kept harping on Wilder Smith report by BMRDA in every Commuter Rail meeting, based on that they wanted to take decision. Finally report itself is not available to public and which does not consider the Commuter Rail as mode of Public Transport.
Now same IDD, DULT & UDD are having meeting once in 6 months for the Commuter Rail. So the intentions from GOK are very clear on the Commuter Rail.
Today morning at Heelalige
Today morning at Heelalige railway station there were many railway officials (and some with security) who came in a special train and it looks like they were discussing about commuter rail.(heard some words like city traffic, 15 crores, land requirement etc etc in their discussions). Was able to listen to them only for 2/3 minutes before my train arrived. Will try to talk to station master/guard today evening to get more info.
Below is the pic on platform 2. On platform 1(behind the train) there were around 10-15 more officials
Transfer of Binny mills land...
Transferring of Binny Mills is not possible,as the land does not belong to GOK. it belongs to ETA group. they have plans to construct a mall...carryfour mall is gonna be there on bill mills land.
CRS - loose talk again
I feel...that this will head no where...with the current political scenario....I feel nothing is gonna happen to CRS. absolute political will is missing
Agree - I think RITES report is very clear & identifies all practical needs & issues - nothing more is really necessary. The so-called 'agreement' to run trains in four directions seems like loose talk with no firm commitment. Unless steps are taken by GoK & Railways for a joint survey of Binny mill land to determine quantum of land necessary & also about how to fund development, construction, purchase & operation of CRS trains for running a full fledged CRS, it will remain another token effort - SWR will run a few trains in the name of CRS whilst GoK will keep land issues hanging, as usual:
“The State government is yet to honour its commitment made in 2006 to transfer two acres of Binny Mills land to Railways for parting with our land to construct the Okalipuram signal-free corridor.Apart from this two acres, additional land is required for the CRS infrastructure” Agarwal said.
If CRS really needs to make good headway, trains must pass through SBC for it to pick up.
CRS Signal - RED or GREEN?
There is no clarity in reported news about the proceedings of the meeting in terms of:
It seems more questions are there now than answers from the reported news.
Hope they start Mandya/Hosur CRS at the earliest.
I feel...that this will head no where...with the current political scenario....I feel nothing is gonna happen to CRS. absolute political will is missing. Govt - the kind of involvement it shows to Namma Metro - the same Govt. fails in CRS. lets hope atleast they start Mandya/Hosur lines at the earliest...
Hosur route electrified? Are they joking?
No reason if a project based on these kind of faulty DPRs fails.
what abt Bangarapete?
wonder why they dropped bangarpete from the first list...as we know its the most promising route and the existing user base is also good..this along with the Thumakuru line are the most active ones as of today..
guess the argument is that these lines are already busy and 'lines are not free'!
But still think we will need to include Bangarpete for the first experiment..we can park Chikkaballapura for later implementations
Anyways its a good start!
Is this something to be happy about?
When is the next round of meeting planned? I'm not too sure if anything concrete has happened with this... Neither the source of funding identified, nor a decision taken on Binny Mills land.
Four destinations for commuter rail system proposed
Source - Deccan Herald
"...The State government has proposed to open four lines connecting Bangalore with Mandya, Tumkur, Chikkaballapur and Hosur as part of the commuter rail system (CRS).
The Urban Development Department (UDD) on Sunday held first round of talks over the possibility of operating the four lines, which would cover 404 kilometre at an estimated cost of Rs 8,000 crore. According to UDD, the line between Mandya and Hosur does not require much investment since an electrified track is already available and the concept can take off with five to six coaches to begin with.
“The government can take up the Mandya and Hosur routes since electrified track is already available. The other two routes are also quite feasible,” said Dr Amitha Prasad, Principal Secretary to UDD.
Divisional Railway Manager, A K Agarwal confirmed that the suggestion to start the two routes with an initial investment of Rs 300 crore had been made. However, the mode of financing was yet to be finalised..."
Good to see that now Dr Amitha Prasad, Principal Secretary to UDD involved.
Long hard report... seems to
Long hard report... seems to be full of repetition as well. GoK has to look at this as an opportunity to upgrade the rail network around B'lore and leverage the rail network to make the city and surrounds more livable. They need to
1. Focus on Phase Ia and I
2. Decide on how much money they can put down, type of SPV
3. Do some homework on other aspects - Land, potential ameneties that can be provided, future station locations, need for RUBs, ROBs, intermodal connectivity etc. and start provisioning for that.
4.Political buy in... They have to go to GoI and be willing to let GoI/Congress share credit. Very hard for this to fly otherwise. You can ask questions on various aspects till kingdom come.
Phase 1 - Tumkur, Hosur, Chikballapur Routes
Interesting, to start with, SWR seems to prefer CRS services to Tumkur, Hosur and chickballapur. Not a bad idea, provided there is parallel works undertaken for complete CRS network.
Schedule of 10-20 Mins during Peak/Non-Peak hrs seems to match with our recommendations. Not a bad proposition at all.