Myself and a few other folks have been thinking about innovative ways of marketing Praja. We want to create exciting content and bring new users on Praja. So how about we organize a Blogathon?
This event can be both on the ground as well as online. The basic idea is that we fix a theme/topics, a date and a venue. On the chosen date all of us get together and blog about the chosen theme. Obviously, we will open the event to anyone who is interested and will publicize it in a significant manner.
The best blog entries get an awesome prize-- think ipods, iphones etc. We will find sponsors who can cover the costs for the venue and prizes. Normally, such events are accompanied by free snacks and beer ;)
We can also have tie-ups with newspapers which will agree to print the best blog entries. If successful we can also try doing such events in other cities.
This idea is in its nascent stages and we wanted to present it to everyone for feedback and brainstorming.
So what do you guys think?
such events are accompanied
such events are accompanied by free snacks and beer ;)
I am in :)
essay competition?
How different from an essay competition, except of course for the beer and snacks :))) ?
Good idea, let us develop it
Lets organize one. Some thoughts on how this could work.