We saw Vidyadhar Taniappa, Member Janaagraha, who writes in DNA and TOI on the dais, actively running around.
Leo Saldana Coordinator Environmental support group started the ball rolling, by taking the mike. He felt that many leaders do start their political careers as Corporaters. We elect them but seldom interact with them later. Thus there are 198 Corporaters of different hues at large in the city of Bangalore. This is far from a desirable situation.
Bangalore has approximately a Crore of population which has both temporary and permanent parts in it. Recently Bangalore has acquired the tag of garbage city, as Landfills at Mavallipura were stopped in July. Corporation is at tenterhooks as a result. It is at the lowest credibility and is at a risk of being over ridden.
In 1994 the legislation making ward committees as mandatory has been passed. In 2011 74th amendment was passed. JNRUM is also a most discredited project. Mischief is in the details. In effect there seems to be no real intent in putting the ward committees in place. Garbage handling needs decentralization. Wards not whole of Bangalore should be the unit. In fact it is individual houses where the segregation has to take place.
In effect the Corporation itself is the stumbling block. Much evident judicial activism in the Karnataka high courts has shown this. Without ward committees commissioner becomes absolute. This is the essence of Kathyaini report.
Report by Kathyaini Chamraj of civic Bangalore
Ward Committee special meet started 2 hrs late. Opposition spoke first saying that why 198 Corporaters are not enough for Bangalore? Why extra 2000 people should be involved? Corporaters are feeling that their powers are being curtailed. However they are satisfied by court order and will agree to Sabha of two polling booths area. They however want more financial powers. They want to nominate there own committees, have veto powers, have finance committees without financial powers etc.
To sum up Kathyaini felt that Social Justice with Sc ST representation was also another point discussed. Mayor did not contribute much as expected.
The Genesis:-
Ajeet Vaidya an Environmental Engineer at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has filed a PIL Click here for his linked in profile. [1] http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ajit-vaidya/20/697/7b4 His previous background is U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Education and Illinois Institute of Technology
The main points are
- absence of planning
- decentralization of waste segregation
- ward committees with councilor as chairman
- Proper audit of accounts
- Members to be nominated by corporation
- Proper garbage management
- Convene meeting of ward committees
- constitution of Ward committee should have SCST, RWA and others two each
Details are available on Civic web site.
At this point Mr. Niranjan Special commissioner came in place of Mr. Sidaiah the commissioner.
He started with a promise that notification as per the high court verdict will be made. He suggested that residents should discuss with their Corporaters freely. He said that current resources of the corporation were around Rs 1000 Crores. Registrations of RWAs should be made with district registrar. Records should be properly maintained. They should be open to amendments. Circulate draft among the residents, before submitting. BBMP will discuss across board on 19th morning 10 AM. Corporation is independent of the government as such the state government has no role in BBMP operations.
Doris raj of Koramangala felt that a corpus of Lawyers was required for legal opinions for the present garbage crisis handlings. Ward committee should have authority over the corporater. Its proceedings should be recorded. Engineers are required to assist ward committees.
Deliberations on ward committee is scheduled for Saturday 19th at 11 AM at BBMP.
Some Pictures
[1] Leo Saldhana
[2] Niranjan Special commissioner, BBMP.
[3] ? [4] ?
sorry the names 3 and 4 are missing from my notes. they are the Lawyers fighting the Public Interest litigation [PIL] , I was told.
To days DNA report
DNA has been quck to reporte in its charestic efficiency I should say:-
For the full report Click here
Open to manipulations
As per the articles, looks like its open to manipulations by the corporators.
Hijacked! my ward panel
Councillors wary of ward committees
Ward Committee
I have been the convener for the Citizens forum- Ward 88 (old 74) conducting monthly meetings of stake holders.
I aproached our ward corporator thro the HAL II stage Cicic Amenities and Cultural Association(of which I am a Committee member). The corporator was noncommittal saying he had 20 persons sitting wih him.
@ Anantram - No 4 in the picture is the lawyer, Mr Ajesh, and No 3 is his assistant.
yes, open to hijacking. And impractical?
[The comment was becoming really long, have moved it here, to hope for more discussion on the subject.]