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February 2011

Commuter Rail mentioned in the Karnataka State Budget by CM

55.  The Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Plan for Bangalore has identified the need to take up commuter rail system within the city.

HC intervenes to check tree felling

The High Court on Friday directed the State government to file objections in connection with the indiscriminate felling of trees in the City.

Who is reponsible for transformer maintenance

I live in an apartment community.  We have a few transformers.  One of the things we realized recently is that our transformers really need some maintenance - oil level, dessicant cartridge, gaskets, oil filteration etc.  Then a question was posed - (a) Who owns the transformers - us or BESCOM.  Who is responsible for servicing them?

Mysore fleecing tourists? What's the thought behind steep hikes?

If the reports are to be believed, entry and usage fees at some popular tourist spots in and around Mysore have been increase. The hikes seem STEEP. Sample these (source: Business Standard, Feb 22):

IVORY Museum in Bangalore

Why not have IVORY Museum in Bangalore, when Karnataka is known for Elephants Tonnes of ivory worth crores may soon be destroyed.

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