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July 2010

SPV Case Study - Konkan Railway !

These days I am in search of information on working of Special Purpose Vehicle. In this pursuit I have come across many pieces of info available on Internet.

BBMP and Mosquitoes

Taking a deviation to discuss a less fancy but important topic. Public Health.

According to today's DH Report, "Mosquito Control Project Director" Dr Lokesh says:

The Palike is spraying pesticides, carrying out fogging and has launched several health awareness camps to educate the public about maintaining cleanliness in and around their houses.

...has assigned three people to spray pesticides in each ward.

...has also undertaken a publicity drive to inform every citizen about the precautionary measures.


So the story goes. I haven't seen a single fogging machine or guys spraying pesticides at work. If DH wouldn't report it, I wouldn't have a clue there was a 'publicity drive'. But everything stated implies things that have either happened in the past or presently ongoing. 

Do I live in a different Bangalore? Have you seen any of the above in your ward?


Open Data progress - met with dept. of Sericulture

So after 2 months of pause - we have been struggling to work meeting dates with some govt depts we have spoken with - we kicked this off with a meeting with Manivanan, who now heads dept of Sericulture.

ITIR - Gaining Momentum

GOK passed the ITIR Act 2010 on Thursday, becoming the first state to do so. Per this DH Report:

The ITIR Act, 2010 will enable the state to attract a whopping Rs.2 trillion (Rs.2 lakh crore) global investments in the knowledge sector, boost exports and create 3 million jobs in a decade

Commuter Rail meeting with CiSTUP, went well, summary

Sanjeev, IDS, PS Anantharam sir and myself went over to IISc today to meet head of CiSTUP. Short summary on how it went

  • CiSTUP to add their review comments / foreword to the report
  • We will jointly organize a roundtable/seminar at IISc/CiSTUP to formally release the report and discuss the subject with relevant government officers and leaders
  • Will invite all transportation and investment related departments of Karnataka, railways as well, and also, local MLAs and MPs who have shown interest or tend to attend these.

We are thinking end of August for this Commuter Rail / Namma Railu seminar. Keep watching for mroe updates, or join in if you want to help organize this.

A hard copy of the report is available now, contact IDS or anyone from the Namma Railu project team if you want to see it. Wll upload the soft copy here as well as part of work for this seminar at CiSTUP.

Lets go Namma Railu :)

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