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July 2010

FW: Blr Autos - Have you been taken for a ride lately?

Forwarding will help for all of us ... FYI Bangaloreans.

You are in a hurry to catch the train. You pack all your stuff and frantically run out in the hope of catching an auto. You come out and see 5 autos standing at the corner. You thank God and ask them - "Majestic chaloge kya??” The Answer is "Rs 200 hoga!!”. "Kya?? It just cost Rs 100 till Majestic". "Bahut rush hai sir!!". You move on to the next auto, to try your luck and surprisingly, you have the same conversation "Bahut rush hai sir!!". Finally you give up and bargain the price to Rs 170 and hope you don't miss your train.

Sounds more than familiar??

BMTC - Interactive Maps Project

Book to hold together all other wikis and posts related to the crowdsourcing driven BMTC Maps project. Edit this wiki page as the project grows.

Enact India's undiluted anti-corrupt Lok Pal Bill - Petitions

India's anti-corrupt ombudsman Lok Pal must have the powers and the jurisdiction to investigate the PM, Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament of the Upper/Lower House independent of government agencies. Legislators' families must declare their personal assets each year.

The following petitions were created in response to the email request made by two sister NGOs Lok Sevak Sangh LSS and Transparency-International India TII. The TII had sent some matter as an email attachment.

More details in brief may please be viewed at the end (conclusion) of the respective petitions.

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