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October 2008

Notes from BMRC meeting

Putting up a placeholder post for logs from the BMRC meeting today. 8 of us were present, so we should expect at least that many notes here.

Walk to reclaim Bengaluru: 9th Nov 2008, Sunday, Lalbagh West Gate

9 Nov 2008 11:00
9 Nov 2008 12:00
Hasiru Usiru, a network of community organisations, residents associations, project affected communities, voluntary organisations and individuals concerned about protecting equitable access to public spaces such as roads and parks in Bengaluru, invite you to participate in a Walk to Reclaim Bengaluru on November 9th 2008, at 11 am at Lalbagh West Gate.

Mission ‘PEACE’ - Reducing Noise Pollution by Autos and Honking

1 Nov 2008 00:30
1 Nov 2008 11:00

Mission ‘PEACE’ Reducing Noise Pollution by Autos and Honking A step towards a Peaceful & Healthy Bangalore WHO we are: A bunch of Bangalore residents who have got together to transform our city.

Jaime Lerner's Presentation at TED Talk (BRTS, design and city planning)

I stumbled on this nice TED talk by Jaime Larner. Jaime Larner is an architect and urban planner. He is well know for the BRT systems that he introduced in Curitiba (an industrial hub in South Brazil)as a mayor of that city. He is also know for converting the gridlocked commercial artery city into a spacious pedestrian mall(!!!).

Police Accountability Authority

The constitution of a Police Accountability Authority to take care of the acts of omission and commission by the police personnel and the setting up of a State Police Board to cater to a strategic policing plan, figure prominently in the draft New Karnataka Police Act.

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