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October 2008

Bangalore Mass Transit - Summary of Past Study Reports

The first CTTP for Bangalore had been carried out in 1963-64 by the Central Road Research Institute (CRRI, New Delhi). This study, though termed “Comprehensive” had focused on the road system, & had proposed construction of 138 km of ring roads, 77.5 km arterial roads & various grade separators, pedestrian subways and truck terminals.

An effort to refresh the data & update the proposals was made by the BDA (Town Planning Dept) in 1977. One of its recommendations was to look into a mass rapid transit project, i.e. a Metro system, or similar.

This hade been taken up by a high-level Committee in 1981 & the Lynne Committee, that had been appointed, agreed that a Metro study was warranted, and a team from Southern Railways, Chennai (Madras, then) was commissioned to do this.

In 1983, the Southern Railway team recommended a 2-corridor Metro of 24 km, & also 3 commuter rail lines, and a 58-km ring railway over a 25-year period. No action followed this proposal.

Tampered auto rickshaw meters

Living in Madras for many years i was used to the bargaining, quarreling with drivers over the fare, since the concept of meters dont exist there. One just fixes a rate to travel from one place to another. And it used to be a very pleasant experience when i moved to Bangalore 10 years ago. Drivers would agree to travel to any place (atleast 90%), have perfect meters, and even give back change.

CTTP Review – Further Comments & Inputs

Hi Suhas, went through your assessment of the CTTP & the discussions that followed – various comments & many relevant, valid points have surfaced.

There are a few issues I would like to fill in :

Private sector challenge

“If you need to understand the difference between STUs and private operators, you need to compare the services provided by private operators in districts like Dakshina Kannada and Udupi, and those offered by STUs in fully nationalized districts like Gulbarga and Raichur", says Rajavarma Ballal, president of the state federation of private bus operators.

Bangalore Apartments - How safe are they?

Bangalore is becoming like apartment city. So many apartments and many apartments have overtaken the Utility Building in terms of number of floors. How safe are they ? How well are they constructed ?

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