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May 2008

Last mile Connectivity

There has been numerous opinions expressed on transit systems and also the last mile connectivity(from home to station) has come to question here time and again. What are our options:

1. Skateboards - there will surely be lot of leg injuries

2. Free small busses to doorsteps - Budapest does it...but not practical for Blr

3. Bicycles - Arguably the best way to do the trip, again Budapest gives free parking for bicycles

4. Walking - the best..but limited to 1-2 kms

Public Bus Transport – The Fare /Quality Nexus

Unlike international practices, public transport, mainly bus services in India being a low-income country, have generally been governed by low fares at low levels of service. One type of low-quality service was acceptable to all then & even now, except for the better off cities (such as Bangalore, Mumbai & Delhi), public transport is generally based on these principles. As a result, there had been leakages – keeping fares low to assist poor travelers & low-income groups involves a leakage of benefits to better off passengers. The lower the fare, for a given level of service, the higher is the leakage. Conversely, for a given fare, increasing the level of service will also increase leakage. Most public bus operators in the country are thus, deep in the red, with increasing subsidies.

Some ideas for the pedestrian underpass

some ideas on pedestrian underpass.
as photoyogi has observed the newly constructed pedestrian walk thrus will be difficult to use, because coming out of the walk thrus you directly enter the traffic. without any further safety features, these will be dangerous to use. posted below is a render of a possible solution.


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