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May 2008

Bangalore metro Update

Latest news on the Bangalore metro completion timeline. Any comments?

Nostalgia or Need

Work on the Metro Rail on MG Road has begun to progress ....Looking back..... A bird’s eye view of the Parade Grounds had a grassy central area and a large body of water at one corner, surrounded by dense vegetation on its south-western periphery. That brief verdant section, after the rains, momentarily took you to the lush richness of the Malnad. In more recent times, separating the historic military grounds and the road is a splendorous evergreen bush bearing purple-pink flowers, and a walkway. The radiant plant has a hoary background. A French Navy Admiral, Louis Antoine de Bougainville, ‘discovered’ it growing in wild splendour in Brazil in 1768. He carried the exotic plant to the western world from where it eventually found its way to British India, and the famous embankment on South Parade.

Naan nimmana touch maadna? Tragic consequences.

Challenge anyone driving fast in a residential area and chances are you will get this response - naan nimmana touch maadna (did I touch you?) as if that is the only measure of safe driving.

Here are the tragic consequences of this sort of attitude. One life snuffed out because of some idiot who thought that driving fast is his birthright and as long as he does not touch anyone (more precisely he has not hit anyone so far) he is driving perfectly safe. These people were not running across a road or crossing a highway. They were walking on a pavement in a residential area.

Subversion of democratic process

The SEC/ NIC/ BBMP combo, entrusted with the job of preparation and maintenance of the electoral rolls and issual of the EPID cards, has once again proved itself unequal to the task. The resulting inaccuracy levels of the order of over 50% across the state, is causing serious subversion of the democratic process.

Decongesting Bangalore City Centre

In today's Devana Yelli? seminar organised by Bangalore Mirror, the general consensus in terms of connectivity to Bengaluru International Airport (BIA) was getting TO Hebbal flyover, once beyond it, things are rather smooth.

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