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Commercial St. pedestrianization - meeting with shop owners association

457 users have liked.
27 Apr 2009 18:00
27 Apr 2009 20:00

First meeting on the issue, with The Bangalore Commercial Association, which is the association of shop owners on Comm. St.


psaram42's picture

Will be there

181 users have liked.

 I will be there at Commercial Street at 6 PM on Monday the 27th 2009.

However I remember Mr. Das mensioning at the Lal Bagh Meeting that the best time to meet the shop keepers at commertial streets was 11:00 AM. The time 6PM should be Ok with the association people I hope.



Naveen's picture

I Am Free Too

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I can attend too, if it is 6 PM. Please confirm the time, thanks.

das's picture

27th April, 6PM confirmed

175 users have liked.

I spoke to Ajay Motwani, the Vice Pres. of the association. He suggested the date and time. He in fact said he was about to call me to talk about taking the issue forward (because of something that cropped up as a result of the Kamaraj Rd. parking galata).

Venue : Assocation office on Dispensary rd.

Will have Ajay and some other key people from the association.

s_yajaman's picture

Traveling tomorrow

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Das sir,

Am off to Bombay tomorrow late afternoon and can't make it.  But should not be a problem.  I think 3-4 Praja members should be more than enough.  Too many cooks can spoil the broth at such meetngs.  Assure them that more support can be mobilized from Praja if needed.

My own 2 paise.

a. Share the data if they have not seen it already. 

b. Try and work out what needs to be true for this to happen and work successfully.  E.g. parking facilties in the nearby areas, better pavements, pedestrian crossings, etc.  and who we need to meet for this. 

c. Fix a pilot date and announce not just in the press but put up board on Comm. Street itself from 2 weeks before launch. 

d.  Fix some criteria to continue / not continue.  Take shopper feedback on the plan.

e. Have one leader from Praja (Mr.Das in this case) and others follow.  Make notes from the meeting and share.


Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

Vasanthkumar Mysoremath's picture

Please also discuss how to create parking platform on SDW

182 users have liked.

Dear All,

I wish I could manage a trip to Bangalore for attending this important meet.  In case, I can't make it, in addition to pedestrianisation of commercial street and in order to provide alternate parking place for shoppers/traders vehicles,

please discuss about Praja and Mr.Ajay Motwani taking up with BBMP - construction of parking platforms by the Association on Storm Water Drains running parallel to Commercial Street on Mudaliar Street.  

This PPP can earn on its own and the Association can manage the environmental cleanliness around as also keeping the drain free from dumping garbage etc., by the residents of bylanes around Comml.St.  

Vasanth Mysoremath  

Naveen's picture

Parking Over Storm Drains ?

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I couldn't locate Mudaliar St near Comm.St, but the nearest storm drain is at the junction of the extension of Kamraj rd & "Dharmaraja Koli" St., as named on the map/s. This storm drain is much more distant than the parking lot already in use on Kamraj rd. Thus, it may not be convenient.

I think there are already enough parking areas if one includes the street side parking opposite Safina Plaza, Shivajinagar, Dickenson Rd, Infantry Rd, etc. in addition to Kamraj Rd.

das's picture

Location of venue

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The venue of the meeting, the Bangalore Commercial Association office, is above the ICICI Bank on Dispensary Rd. (which is the road parallel to Comm. St.).

There'll be two people from the Association.

I'll be there between 5.30 and 5.45.

das's picture

Meeting postponed to 6.30 PM

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6.30 PM, same place.

Ravi_D's picture

Waiting for the minutes :)

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