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Anand Nagar MagicBox

314 users have liked.
Yesterday while I drove down RT Nagar - Anandnagar I noticed that the service road is almost complete and the magic boxes are in place too. However I did find the boxes much narrow. Does any one have the sketch / model of this junction with dimentions? It looks to me like a bottle neck for Anandnagar residents.


tsubba's picture


220 users have liked.
there was a pic of the model somewhere. cant find it now. will try. is this the one which is almost circular with multiple underpasses?
kbsyed61's picture

Updates from BBMP

211 users have liked.
A breather for BBMP
DH News Service,Bangalore:
The postponement of Bengaluru International Airport (BIA) launch till the first week of May is both good and bad news for the City.

The good news first. Connectivity issues have got a breather, as they can now be completed or at least improved in time before the opening of the greenfield airport.
The bad news however remains that major infrastructure projects are never completed as per the deadlines set.
Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) stands to gain from the extended time available for it to complete the signal-free underpass at the seven junctions planned.
BBMP Commissioner Dr S Subramanya described the postponement as giving a breathing space to complete the underpass works. “We never competed with the opening of the airport at Devanahalli that was scheduled for March 30. The BBMP has been completing the project whether the airport opens or not,” said Dr Subramanya.
Having completed the first signal-free stretch at Cauvery junction, the BBMP hopes to complete the second underpass at BDA junction within the stipulated time of 45 days.
Road projects
Added the commissioner, “It has been ten days since we started the project. Works at Anandanagar have also started. We will take up either the Sanjaynagar stretch or the CBI point once this is towards completion stage.”
Mr Krishna Reddy, chief engineer (Major Roads), BBMP says, “We embarked on the decision of roadwidening project much before. As an arterial road and a national highway, the Bellary Road needed roadwidening. Deadlines to complete the work is only a objective. Our task is to complete the signal-free stretch as early as possible, with minimum inconvenience,” Mr Reddy said.
The BBMP officials involved in the project question as to why only they are being blamed for the delay.
“Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited (KRDCL) was entrusted to take up the work on the road to Devanahalli. High speed rail link was planned. Every one knew about the opening of the airport. Nothing has progressed beyond preparing reports,” added other officials.

Photoyogi's picture

Anand Nagar Photo update

225 users have liked.

Anand Nagar Underpass A magic box - construction is in progress. What came to my mind is that its quite narrow! assuming that each of the yellow plastic barricades is probably 4 Ft the internal space for traffic movement is just about 10 Ft?
Praveen Sundaram
AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

Photoyogi's picture

Anand Nagar Underpass

209 users have liked.
The Width of this underpass is 3 meters, meant for light vehicular traffic (2,3 wheelers and passenger cars) Today the top portion got a layer of RCC so once this is ready Traffic will get diverted over this underpass and work on the other half will start off -- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

Mithun's picture

Anand nagar underpass for buses

203 users have liked.
Hi Photoyogi, As you said that Anand nagar underpass can allow only 2,3 wheelers and cars, is there a 'signal free path' available for buses? as we all know, BMTC is thinking of providing bus service to airport.
tsubba's picture

a'ngr up

197 users have liked.
awesome updates.
remember you said you were worried about about a 40T truck ramming on the walls of the up?
are those yellow and black railings are for that?.
though i would have preferred them to be atleast a feet away from the walls. i was thinking they could install bollards but they have used railings. what is that square thinking in front of the middle wall?

mithun, from the looks of it it appears that the main traffic on bellary road will pass over the up while cross traffic will go under it.
Photoyogi's picture

Anand Nagar Underpass - Railings

211 users have liked.
TS, The function of steel girders shown in the pic are puzzling me. We will have to wait and see. -- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

loveblr's picture

Anand Nagar Underpass

196 users have liked.

Hi ..

 First of all ...very good updates ...

 AnandNagar underpass is making good progress i feel ...

 But i don't understand why they have give so much space between the 2 Underpass ... rather they could have utilized the space inbetween and come up with much wider underpass !!!!


kbsyed61's picture

Details of traffic movement at underpasses !

218 users have liked.
Redrawing road map - Saturday December 1 2007 03:53 IST

Many changes in existing routes will be effected once the projects to construct seven underpasses on Hebbal Road and make a signal-free corridor to international airport become a reality. Here are the changes in routes proposed on completion of the projects.

CBI Junction
Two carraigeway underpass across Bellary road with service roads on all sides along Bellary road. Traffic from RT Nagar to go through underpass towards Bellary while a ramp would lead to Mekhri circle.

Sanjaynagar Jn

Single carraigeway underpass across Bellary road. Traffic from Sanjaynagar to go through underpass towards Mekhri circle and towards Bellary road a subway would be created through IVRI. Existing service road near Ganganagar market to be used for Sanjayanagar - Mekhri Circle traffic.

Cauvery junction
No entry to Bellary road at Cauvery junction. The traffic from BDA side to be led to Lower Palace Orchards at the junction. An underpass near Microsoft research centre would be created to lead traffic from Bashyam circle to Bellary road via. Cauvery junction. The BDA junction to Bellary road traffic takes a U-turn on the 20 metre box made for underpass near Microsft and joins Bellary road at the junction.

BDA junction
A segmental arch flyover would be created with the arch along Bellary road. Two way traffic on Bellary road would move on the flyover while the traffic on Palace cross road to Guttahalli would move through the arch. Service roads on either side of Bellary road would facilitate traffic movement on grade level.

Windsor Manor Jn
A single carraigeway underpass would be built across Bellary road along with another submerged way underpass near Abshot Layout. Traffic from Bellary road would move as it does now towards High Grounds police station. From Bellary road towards Kumara Krupa guest house, the traffic is diverted towards submerged underpass and takes a U-turn towards Kumara Krupa. Traffic from Kumara Krupa towards High Grounds police station pass through the underpass at the junction while High Grounds to Kumara Krupa traffic would move as it does now.

Maharani Circle
An underpass would take the traffic on Palace road while the Anand rao cirlce - KR Circle traffic would move on ground level.

KR Circle
An elevated traffic island would be built at the junction with four boxes. Vidhan Soudha to Nrupathunga road and towards Central college would be taken on a ramp over the island. Traffic from Maharani circle would use two boxes and towards Nrupathunga road, one towards Central College and one into Cubbon Park. Service roads at grade level would serve Maharani’s to Vidhan Soudha and from Vidhan Soudha to Cubban Park and to Yuvanika. Pedestrian subways would be built near BESCOM, Yuvanika and near UVCE.
tsubba's picture

underpass updates

213 users have liked.
syed thanks for this. need to digest this properly. though after going through it twice my head started spinning. did you understand what they are talking about? No entry to Bellary road at Cauvery junction. The traffic from BDA side to be led to Lower Palace Orchards at the junction. An underpass near Microsoft research centre would be created to lead traffic from Bashyam circle to Bellary road via. Cauvery junction.
kbsyed61's picture

Traffic movements at Underpasses

211 users have liked.

Here is an old posting. Hope this helps in understanding the earlier post by me.

Windsor Manor Bridge
The BBMP will widen the existing road into a six-lane road with land that has already been taken over from the golf club. Two pre-cast elements will be placed in the middle of the circle to allow vehicles to take a right turn towards Hotel Ashoka, and those coming from Anugraha to come onto to Hebbal Main Road and take a left or right turn. As the lanes will be increased, options to get into Windsor Manor and change lanes to move towards Hebbal or the city are being made. The cost of the project is estimated at Rs 1 crore. It will take seven days to complete it.

BDA Junction
Though this is a relatively simpler plan, two long up and down ramps will be made on the Hebbal Main Road. Two box underpasses will allow vehicles to move from Banglore Palace towards Malleswaram, and those coming from Cauvery junction to take a right turn towards Malleshwaram. As the ramps will need embankments, it is estimated that this project will take more time. The cost is estimated at Rs 2.5 crore and will take approximately 45 days to complete.

Cauvery Junction
At this junction, vehicles moving towards Hebbal will have to take a left turn towards Bhashyam Circle and then take a 'U' turn after moving 50 meters to join the Hebbal Road. A box will be introduced to take a 'U' turn and another one at the junction, will allow vehicles from Bhashyam Circle to join Hebbal Road and move towards the city.

CBI Junction & Sanjaynagar Junction
At both these junctions, underpasses will be erected at the middle of the road below the surface level.

kbsyed61's picture

Underpass work on at brisk pace

192 users have liked.
Staff Reporter
The Hindu, March 20, 2008

Bangalore: Work on one side of the underpass being built at Anandanagar intersection on Bellary Road is nearing completion.

The Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike has completed fixing of pre-cast elements of separate width for vehicle and pedestrian movements on the right side of Bellary Road leading to Anandanagar entrance. Now levelling work on the top of the underpass was being taken up and the movement of vehicles would be allowed on it by the week end after asphalting, said a BBMP engineer. However, the underpass could be used for traffic only after the pre-cast elements are fixed on the other side of the road.

Meanwhile, work on another underpass being built at BDA junction is also gaining speed. But the officials said the palike is unable to take up any major works in the morning because of peak hour traffic on the road.
blrsri's picture

cauvery underpass feedback needed

206 users have liked.

The first underpass has been functioning for some weeks now. Request any feedback on the untility..does it really suffice the needs?

BBMP now swears by the instant underpasses and says all projects in Bangalore would use that instead of flyovrs and other solutions..Is the utility been proved beyond doubts?

Photoyogi's picture

Reg: Cauvery underpass

214 users have liked.
When I spoke to some of the engineers from BBMP they seemed quite happy that there has been no real complaints, thanks to the smooth traffic flow; at the Cauvery Underpass. My only comments back to him was these: 1. With the Bus traffic being diverted (due to the BDA Jn work in progress) we don't see heavy vehicles passing on this road right now. 2. The real Airport traffic is yet to hit the this section So its too early to take a call if this is working out. His reply was see this is not the only approach to the airport so that should be taken care of. Oh Well, the truth remains : The proof of the pudding is in the eating. -- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

navshot's picture

Feedback: Cauvery underpass

205 users have liked.
I think Cauvery underpass is a bad example. I hope no other junction would need such a U-turn for main traffic. If we are satisfied with load bearing capacity and longevity, then there is no reason not to call it a success. In my opinion, Anandnagar u/p would be a better example than Cauvery u/p.
-- navshot
tsubba's picture


228 users have liked.
prav, i too was thinking about about that. without buses CJ seems to be smooth. so i was thinking if the alternate bus route that they are using right now can be made permanent. what they have done is segregated the vehicles right in the city itself. so everybody does not hurtle down the bellary road. ultimately, the best the palike can do on bellary road is a 2x2 lane throughfare. i dunno if that will be sufficient in the long run for the only road connecting north bangalore to the rest of it. agree with navshot. palike is going big on this, patents taking on the contractors and what not, but stress tests and longevity have to be done on the field. btw any of you guys have any idea as to how a airport rail on the median, and two elevated roads on the sides will all fit on bellary road?
blrsri's picture

Anand Ngr Undepass Observation

223 users have liked.

Passes thru the hebbal road yest and had a glipmse of the underpass under construction..thought it was very small..I felt it was more like a pedestrian underpass than one for vehicular traffic..btw how will pedestrains corss to the other side once this is up?


how about the bigger roomier underpasses that are being put up in other we have any plans of increasing the size?

hari.nagendra's picture

Anand Nagar junction

209 users have liked.
Anand Nagar underpass has opened today from Hebbal towards city.
idontspam's picture

Standard lane width

225 users have liked.
I agree, 10 feet is too less. In fact even by IRC standards it is a feet and and half less for a standard lane. Internationally its around 12 feet. I drove by today and it seemed extremely tiny... it will be tricky to enter or exit without hurting yourself if the traffic is not guided properly into and out of it. There is also no traffic light so there will be no way of know if anybody is going to be coming out of it. It looked almost like a pedestrian underpass. The BDA junction elements are far wider.
hari.nagendra's picture

Lane could be only for LMVs(?)

223 users have liked.
I completely agree with you. The width is very less that only one 4-wheeler and 2-wheeler can be inside at any time. As this is used only for vehicles turning towards Anand Nagar and vice versa is used and there will be no busses etc entering / exiting this under pass, engineers might have decided with this lane width. Even underpass height is also very less I feel.
kbsyed61's picture

Any Update on underpass at Anandnagar Junction ?

221 users have liked.
Guys any news /pdates on underapss at Anandnagar/Bellary Junction?
Photoyogi's picture

Anandnagar update 03/04/08

184 users have liked.
As Hari.nagendra put it, one side of the underpass is complete and Traffic seems to be moving smoothly. The work on the other side is in progress the concrete beds are ready and waiting for the Magic boxes to be placed, I think that should be over in 2-3 days after which the top would have to be brought in level to the road. Over all the work seems to be going on at decent pace my concern remains on the width of the underpass being 10 Ft. Surely this section could have had much wider underpass keeping in view future development. Here are some pics for you:-) More pics at There is another menace that came to my mind (something that our TarleSubba pointed out on my flickr site) Movie / Political posters defacing the insides of these "flat-vertical-surfaces" Can the BBMP make sure this is avoided in any way? -- Further updates on 4th Apr 08 All the Elements are in place now for the other civil work to happen (Had to settle for the camera phone updates I was lazy) -- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

Naveen's picture

Great Pictiures

205 users have liked.

Terrific work Praveen - greatly appreciate yr efforts.

If you cud you slightly brighten /enhance those pics that are somewhat dull,

it'd be perfect - thanks.

idontspam's picture

Dead end at hebbal flyover

206 users have liked.
Most lanes of the extended bellary road dead ends at the hebbal flyover as the flyover only allows 2 lane traffic. There is no graceful merging plan and I am sure the ends of the service road near the bhoopasandra exit will be misused for parking vehicles, vegetable vendors etc etc.
One useful suggestion would be to make an underground or overhead bus lane both ways on these lanes which dead end linking this side of the bellary road to the NH7 near the lake. This can be dedicated to carry the special vajras or even others towards the airport and then back towards the city on the other side. It need not have exits to the ring road thereby ensuring a interruption free corridor.
If somebody understands what I am saying they can take a shot at drawing it. TS usually does a good job of drawing. May be a good suggestion to the folks at BBMP or NHAI or whoever cares.
shas3n's picture


233 users have liked.

Gread pics indeed! Thanks Praveen. Can someone map this junction for the geographically challenged people like me? Help available on creating maps here.



Photoyogi's picture

Location of the anandnagar Underpass

193 users have liked.
@Shastri The underpass is located between the marker points (1-2) Marker points 1-2 is approximately the start -end points of the service lanes on either side of the underpass
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I hope i got it right -- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

blrsri's picture

underpass design

229 users have liked.

Passed through the access road for the anand nagar underpass and found it grossly inadequate..will take an example of a maruti zen..this has one thing in common with a mercedes..its the turning radius which is just more than 4 mts..

This means that one has to be on the left most corner to squeeze into the what will be on the right lane? two wheelers? they will make the squeeze tighter!

The entry and exits have almost been totally laid wrong..its time we design our roads for smoother access than practice the habit of..'see space, lay road' attitude..

Some suggestion in the picture and the green space there can actually have bouganvilla or nice plants!

idontspam's picture

Keep left

230 users have liked.
You may have to keep left and go thru UP1 instead of UP2 making this more complicated
kbsyed61's picture

Any progress on this underpass?

201 users have liked.


 Did this underpass made any progress since April 4th? 

kbsyed61's picture

Any progress on Anand Nagar Underpass since April 4th?

242 users have liked.
Anybody have any recent updates to Anandnagar underpass? The last was on April 4th.
idontspam's picture

No progress

209 users have liked.
They have all relaxed since the airport opening date got postponed. None of the projects have made any significant progress.
Photoyogi's picture

Anandnagar update 24/04/08

204 users have liked.
Hello friends, the much awaited updates for Anandangar under pass is here. I found the the underpass 90% work complete with the 2 magic box tunnels interconnected and the top surface (road level) cemented also. What is pending is the taring of the road and probably electicals (lighting the insides of the tunnel - 25 ft) The service lane on the Veterinary college side needs to be laid. Time wise i would say 3-4 Days of work pending but i guess it has been in this stage since more than a week. I wonder why they are waiting. Here are some photo updates Please note that there is water logging that i noticed on the service lane bang in front of the tunnels i hope proper drains are going to be built. We had just 30 min of light rainfall this evening. -- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

tsubba's picture


204 users have liked.
yogi thanks for the updates. and thanks for that clarification.
kbsyed61's picture

Thanks for the update !

215 users have liked.


Thanks for the update. May be they are looking for one more postponemnet of BIAL start date. 

narayan82's picture


192 users have liked.
I just rode pass the golf course today and I saw that they were laying a magic box outside Le-Meridian! From what I could see it was as narrow as anandnagar with only 1 segement! Now this is to facilate the right turn at Windsor Manner junction which is to be blocked off. Caution BMP!!! ALL Busses heading to KBS will have to go through this joke of an underpass!
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
kbsyed61's picture

Any update on this Underpass !

212 users have liked.
Any body has update on this underpass?
bangalore-guy's picture

Signal free junctions lead to a jammed Kodigehalli.

233 users have liked.
All the major junctions on Bellary road till the Hebbal Flyover are being made signal free thanks to the magic (!) boxes. But this uninterrupted flow comes to a grinding halt at the Kodigehalli gate signal and even off-peak hour waiting times are in minutes. So it is an easy guess what happens at peak traffic times. I have stopped at this junction for as long as 15 minutes. And this is at a stage where (1) the BIAL has not started operating, the traffic would easily grow by 30-35% after BIAL starts operating (2) all the underpasses and signal free elements on bellary road are not in place, once that happens the inflow rate of vehicles will be much more faster than what it is now. I wonder if a plan is in place to clear this mess. Or else all the good work (?) done to decongest the road to new airport will be undone by the congestion at this junction.
blrsri's picture

we need exit and entry ramps

189 users have liked.

As we get down from the Hebbal Flyover nad get on the highway the stretch till the airport needs to be barricaded and should be signal should have proper entry and exit ramps and underpasses at critical locations like Kodigehalli/Sahakarnagar junctions..

NHAI is planning a elevated highway till the airport from Hebbal..instead of such high cost foolish ideas..they can as well work on making the existing road which is wide enough..a proper one! comment guidelines

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