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Voter id card - the struggle continues

I thought today will be that day - my voter id card (EPIC) in my hand. After seeing the notices in newspapers, excitedly, I went to the school in the nearby halli, and asked for my card.

Arrest made in Belgaum:Plans to blow up revealed

The Anti-Terrorist Squad arrested Tanveer Mulla (31), an alleged activist of the Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), near the district stadium here on Saturday. The police seized from him CDs and VCDs carrying information on Jehadi groups, provocative speeches vis-À-vis anti-Muslim violence in Gujarat, incidents of violence against Muslims in other parts of

Standing of Karnataka cities in deposit & credit base: RBI Report

The Reserve Bank of India released its ‘Quarterly Statistics on Deposits and Credit of Scheduled 2008′. The publication contains data relating to deposits and credit of scheduled commercial banks including (RRBs) as on March 31, 2008.

Where do you want the Vidhan Soudha in Belgaum: Poll Results

A poll (offline and online) was being conducted by Mr. Rajeev Topannavar. This site also carried the said poll link. Here are the results of the poll.

Urgent - have your say on the magic boxes!

First few  thru the Magic Box

Here is a request from a long time Praja member (see email pasted below). Apparently, the ongoing efforts (to slow down the magic boxes) in the High Court might be driven by those who may prefer flyovers over magic boxes. We don't want to get in these battles as there is no way to prove things one way or another. But, if you believe that Bengaluru should first do due diligence with magic boxes before considering flyovers as solution at any intersection, please pitch in by sending a postal letter to BBMP as soon as you can.

The way AHEAD.

Folks at Hebbal have come out with a revolutionary idea. The Hebbal-jana plan to get together and thrash out a plan for Hebbal. Next, they will hand this plan to their MLA, with the express understanding that he will execute that plan. Very interesting dont you think? I am salivating imagining the possibilities and fallouts. People's ideas will get executed. But more interestingly can you imagine what it can do to governance and electoral and devlopment politics? Awesome. Hebbal-janre, all the best.


There's a local saying that if you do your 50%, God will do the remaining 50%.

Our CM quoted in today's TOI: "I have implicit faith in God. I went to Tirupati temple and cried before the Lord around 4.30 am. I asked him why 5.5 crore people in the state are being punished for no fault of theirs. Our prayers have been answered with good rain’’.

God is doing his bit faithfully year after year. Is man's bit only to pray to God?

Muralidhar Rao

Understanding law and order + policing

[Forked out of this thread on id-cards] Talking law and order in general, the mess is probably deeper than the issue of id-cards: there are a lot of things involved. Lets try analyze this if we can. Let me put a common sense based list of things on the table as I see them:

Just how to regulate wisely - remains the question today

In the West, the Left tries to conserve the welfare state. The liberal, economic right wants to dismantle it. Beyond that, the distinctions are blurred. The Right has accepted transfers to the poor but it wants them to be efficient. The Left no longer wants government to run businesses. Few oppose the market - the debate is on how to regulate it wisely. Read more in this TOI column.

Humour laden ideas for BTRAC's creative project


Last week we discussed KRDCL's decision to involve a creative agency to improve driver behaviour. The enthusiasm of praja members was evident and several of us wondered if it is worth giving a shot at this!!

As cosmic coincidence would have it, we also got hooked to satiric videos from a Bangalore based groups of youngsters on youtube. Our friends from make wonderful, homemade, 100% organic videos that mock popular culture, Current affairs, News, Controversies, TV shows, Personalities and just about everything else.

In what consultants would call a 'synergistic opportunity', we put the one and one together and asked them if they will be game to jump in with us on this.

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