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DDC coverage in DNA newspaper

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Some coverage for DDC in DNA:

It is the people’s behaviour that DDC tried to address when it began its campaign. “We began by making people aware of their mistakes by sending them videos of best practices followed elsewhere,” he said. After watching the videos, those who wanted to join the club had to take a pledge that they had to follow to continue to be part of the club. “Later, we sent stickers to those who learnt to follow lane discipline,”

Read more here


idontspam's picture

Non starter

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Bangalore traffic police was planning to start the campaign on lane discipline after 16 junctions and major roads in the city are painted so motorists know where the lane is and the direction in which it is going. However, the BBMP is yet to paint the roads which resulted in the delay in starting the campaign. Tired of waiting for the BBMP to do its job, the traffic police have decided to go ahead with the campaign. “We have started painting the junctions though we do not have adequate resources to paint all the lanes,” said Saleem.

Anithasunil's picture

Guess the exercise has

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Guess the exercise has started. Traffic police had kept movable cones as lane markers - physical separation b/w the lanes, to educate the public on lane driving. 

silkboard's picture

time to resurrect it?

150 users have liked.

Any ideas on re-running DDC, aka DDC-2012. WE can try seeking traffic police blessing perhaps, and make efforts to popularize Bheema's original idea through a facebook page for the campaign?

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

  Hi Silkboard, before that

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Hi Silkboard, before that lets look back and take stock of situation. 
1) How many members total?
2) How many registration per month? Some trend graph would be great.
3) Why this DDC is kinda slowed down now? Is it just because we are not writing articles and updating contents? Root cause needed.
4) Whats happening with the DDC pledged members now, now almost we are in dark, I have not seen any experiences of many freshly joined DDClubbers.
Once done with this, we will be better equipped with so called DDC 2012. What say?
" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
dvsquare's picture

  True or it seems so, that

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True or it seems so, that DDC has slowed down.

Also, we have not much updating more on DDC what's happening on while driving day-to-day. Also, my sticker got removed during one of my car's service. I need to get another one.

May be, we can again try lighting this up again and see where we can take it.


rs's picture

One thing about the DDC

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One thing about the DDC sticker is that it made me hesitant to park in no parking zones ( where of course everyone else had parked with impunity ). So if perhaps a lot of people do use the sticker then maybe there will be more discipline.

However, I think its important that the traffic poilice or whoever it is in charge of traffic management in this city is involved. In most places collection of fines and enforcement of parking rules are done by a different department - one does not need a police officer to hand out tickets. It seems to be too much work for the short staffed traffic police.

And of course some thought has to be given to these no parking/parking rules. For example, on 15th Cross Mallewaram, near 11th Main they put up no parking signs on one side of the road - which was completely pointless as its not a heavy traffic zone and of course everyone violated it. Or it makes the idiot college students park on the footpath. To a certain extent `No Parking' has come to mean - you cant park on the road but you can on the footpath. 

On the other hand, at 15th Cross and Margosa road, which is a major junction and has constant traffic as well as a Girias, they allow parking on both sides of the roads - which screws up the junction considerably.

I dont think there is any method to their madness - perhaps they hand out a certain numeber of signs to the workers and tell them to put them up somewhere.



dvsquare's picture

About parking-no-parking, I

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About parking-no-parking, I don't think just-a-sticker makes any difference, Its the person who has taken pledge and hence will anyways abide by the rules.

About No-Parking signs, I have mentioned earlier as well, and still observing that, somehow people tend to park exactly below No-Parking also, I have seen many places, probably I should start taking photos of the same.

I remember @Silkboard denying this observation in one 1:1 discussion outside ACP's office a few months back, but I still feel the same. And I remember Pranav's suggestion to ACP that time about no-parking, instead of just 1 board, they should ideally paint the footpath below there with some RED or some prominent color to show all these length, strictly no-parking, so that it gives better idea to drivers and lessen the confusion (as the board mean some feet before and after board and how correctly it can be measured). Its a good suggestion and might have a better impact.


rs's picture

Well, the sticker pricked at

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Well, the sticker pricked at my conscience. Anyway, I think painting kerbstones suggestion is an excellent one - but my understanding was that it was not there in the indian Road Congress so couldnt be done  - of course not that they do anything that is there !

I have taken photos of violaters and posted them on the Bangalore Traffic Police Facebook page - and get assurances by the BTP that the violators will be booked - but dont know if it actually happens as I dont know how to check.



silkboard's picture

Bheema - some answers

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First reason is that we are not putting DDC up prominently on this website. The other reality is that website is for guys like you and Sathya who think and initiate things like DDC. This is more of an ideation place. For the DDC campaign itself, the audience (regular drivers) are on FB etc.

Some tech work to build an FB page, linked a it to the DDC campaign page here will help. We can setup FB page prominently, promote it around a bit in such away that a form is up on FB, and we have the system to pool in volunteers (45 of us, like last time) who will divide the work of reading in the filled forms, and mailing the stickers between us.

I think we can do a re-run. Don't need a lot of guys. And don't need lot of face to face meetings to do the work. Can plan what needs to be done through our disucssion here, and just do the work (create FB page where pledge form will be available, pledge form here too, prominent coverage for DDC on home page here, system to divide the sticker mailing job, and this time, a way for any praja member to donate money to print more, and may be even better looking sticker)

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

But still..

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can Sathya provide us vital stats so far? That would help us know where are we today and would as baseline for us in terms of stats. 

Basic question : Do the people take back seat when it comes to self-descipline? Seems most of people are happy to advise others ...hahaha

Self-descipline (when no one sees me) is hardest thing in life for me, to make disclosure !!!

By the way, I am left with few sticker, and willing to mail it as and when we get new pledgers. 

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

OK. FB basic group is created

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Link to FB group


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
dvsquare's picture

Good, all set to re-start ......

189 users have liked.

So Bheema, the FB page is open to all or it has a moderation? Or the sticker is only pledge specific, group is for all?

Anyways, lets re-start the DDC operation again, and this time with more awareness, we will try to add more stories of our own, where we had overcome our self-conscience.



Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

About this group

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I have created a FB closed group in stead of a FB page. This group has moderation, currently I am admin. I have just invited dvsquare and idontspam. With my limited knowledge of how these 2 different features work I have made these points below. Friends, please give your inputs.


1) FB group works based on invite mode. I think DDC needs this type of viral growth rather than "likes".

2) Group has option to create "Ask question" which is of great help to conduct surveys within DDC quickly

3) Has option to upload document , again good tool

4) Has option to create events, which is nice too

5) I doubt group has "insight" feature which gives us weekly stats of membership, but that should be ok  though. 

6) Video, photos as usual.

7) Not sure, in some ways, if it can be integrated with Praja DDC project page. For example automatic cross posting. 

I guess a FB page does not have all these. But still I can "book" that page for future use, let me know


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
murali772's picture

citizen's meet

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@rs  -  The reason why I have not joined the club so far is the same as what you have stated. May be I'll join if we can allow for a "solpa adjust maadi" factor, particularly in case of parking :))). ( I am joking; please don't).

As for the specific parking issues pertaining to Malleswaram, I would suggest you take them up with the jurisdictional traffic police inspector. At 11 AM, on 3rd Saturdays of alternate months (next will be on June 16th; on the same day, at 3 PM, the TAC meets), all sub-divisional inspectors across the city are supposed to be organising "citizen's meet" programmes, together with all their sub-ordinates. These meets provide the best opportunity to take up the local issues.

On 21st April, I had gone for such a meeting in Madiwala sub-division, and within a few days thereoff, some of the issues I had raised were addressed. I have made notes on some more issues, and I'll be raising them at the 16th June meeting. I am sure they will be addressed too. So, do give it a try.

Muralidhar Rao
dvsquare's picture

About FB group

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As the DDC FB group is a "closed group", The good part is that its membership by invite, that's really great, but being its "closed", nobody will be able to see its name or activities or anything else. I mean, we won't be able to market it, won't be able to let people know that there exist a invite-only group which is only for people who want to really drive in disciplined way or atleast have a attitude towards it.


Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

We will create page too then,

162 users have liked.

We will create page too then, but will it not be confusing?  If page is created, then where shall users be directed? To or FB group? Any thoughts?

Previous stats are awaited still

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
dvsquare's picture

We should create a FB page as well - for awareness

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I think, we should create a FB page apart from FB closed group.

Closed group can be exclusively for the people who have taken the pledge and want to exercise DDC. We can have a good healthy discussion and other communication to all members there easily and frequently.

Now, with the FB page, what we can do is to make people aware and market our good initiatives about  DDC. We can celebrate 1 particular discipline for lets say 2-3 days, lets say - "Not blocking the intersection" or "Not blocking the left or straight going traffic". This way, we can keep public aware of - what they are doing wrong and what they can do to make it right and overall, how can they be a responsible driver and a citizen. I know, people know it but they all forget it when they are at it, so better keep reminding them.

Now, which discipline to celebrate for 2-3 days, we can decide that on this Praja DDC page or or mails between we 3-4 people initially, so that we are all aligned.

What say?



Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

FB page also booked

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Lets start. More ideas please.. FB ads are paid service. I tried to setup ad. Got confused....

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
dvsquare's picture


189 users have liked.


Lets track the LIKES on this page, meanwhile lets try to make the page attractive with all our main things about DDC listed there, and lets strategize.

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

dvsquare, if u need

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admin rights or anything, please let me know. On lighter note, I thought you were on honeymoon :) But you are back into action ...:)

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
dvsquare's picture

Hey Bheema, Yes, give me also

166 users have liked.

Hey Bheema,

Yes, give me also admin rights so that whenever I get time I can also contribute to the FB page, adding more and more attractive info there, so that it keeps appearing on my timeline and become attention grabber of my FB friends and there by friends-of-friends attention.

Lets see where we can take this.

By the way, yes I am back into action.


Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

admin rights given to you Deepak

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It allows only in FB group to change admins :(. So keep posting to FB page whenever you find good stuff. If any profile pic or core content to be changed let me know


- Update: It allows to give admin to additional people. Sorry It was my learning only just now

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
dvsquare's picture

Thanks bheema, I have got it

166 users have liked.

Thanks bheema,

I have got it and will keep it engaged as and when I get time.

From the DDC FB page (not the DDC FB group), send invites to few of your friends.



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