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NRCLPI Co-ordinator <co-ordinator@nrclpi.com>
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Dear Sir,
I am pleased to received your mails regarding KG School target audiences to became aware of Lead safe. Our one programe SMILE (
Eminar on
ethodology &
mplementation of
ducation) is already launched for Montessor , pre school teachers & parents( as childrens are too small to understand what is lead). We have conducted 4 programmes in montessories like roots to wings, belakku etc.
I would request you if you have any contact with KG schools principal or management & if they wish to conduct programme at your area . we will be happy to conduct programme for them.Please let us know if you can help conveyancing them to conduct awareness programme during their PTI meetings.
Customer Feedback submitted at
Programme Co-ordinator
National Referral Centre For Lead Poisoning in India (NRCLPI)
St. John's Medical College, Bangalore- 34
Ph.No- 080-22065058
Fax- 080-25502341
Mobile: 9845688130
For more about our programme visit www.elinksonlead.blogspot.com/ www.nrclpi.com
for videos :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acV9DDZmemw
Lead Safe
Most KG / Montessori / Play schools have brightly colored exteriors/ painted play items. Most paints in India are Lead based. Pigment ( prime component of Paint are Lead compounds. Has been for centuries. Developed countries have reduced Leaded paints by Legislation. There is no such Legislation in India. GOI however introduced Lead Free Petrol since 1-4-2000. SOME PAINT MAKERS HAVE VOLUNTARILY INTRODUCED LEAD FREE PAINTS SINCE JULY 2008. But the quantity is not absolute meaning there are a lot of Leaded paints on shop shelves. Unless you ask specificaly you may be handed LEADED paint.
How to know if item is LEAD FREE paint? Lead Free paint cans have specific printing saying " lead not added or similar words" . Go for sealed Tins and Lead Free writing. If the shop tells you that item is Lead free but company did not have new conainers DO NOT ACCEPT IT.
HOWEVER BIG AND FAMOUS THE SCHOOL MAY BE THIS TOPIC OF LEAD FREE ENVIRONMENT IS NEW IN INDIA. Lead from painted idols immersion has been covered by Pollution Control Board for several yrs. Form groups and make a list of such schools in your locality. Get in touch wiyth NRCLPI and start. Dont Delay...Children are the worst hit..