During run up to BBMP elections we saw some down to earth pictures of condition of our pot holed roads in some parts of Bangalore. We have seen excellent roads (plastic green Roads ) in Bangalore which bt virtue of Tech involvement does not allow potholes see All major roads - Cubbon road -Trinity circle area, Tv Tower rd...Ring Road. It is called Modified Bitumen ( Poly mer added correct percentage to Bitumen at right temp). Why then aren't smaller rds in Bangalore given the same treatment ? Now that you will get new corporators pl ask them about pot holed roads in your area. Technology has been passed by Cen Rd Research Inst , Min Env Forests.. Bangalore has 1000 km ,TN about 1500km... such rds.
Contractors hold the key. Annual work order has to survive on pot holes appearing at regular intervals. Think you can tackle this. Get more gen from Print media on Plastic Roads in Bangalore.