These meetings haven't been as regular of late. How about reviving our second Saturday early am meeting tradition? Pls leave a note here if you wish to attend. All are welcome.
Agenda: Discuss projects (Ongoing & Planned) & other Praja activities. Feel free to stay back for an open forum right after.
Venue: Open to your suggestions.
My office has moved out of Cunningham road; I can host it in my current location @ BTM Layout instead.
Meeting Location
1. My office at BTM Layout, near Udipi Garden Restaurant, about a km from Silkboard Jn.
2. Lalbagh West Gate - our perennial favourite
3. Freedom Park
If it is my office, as usual, you get to enjoy some Maaza & biscuits!
Freedom park
Freedom park
I'll have to skip this one
Ravi - kind of you to offer yr new office as a possible venue ! Will be out of town on 10th - hoping to be amidst tigers in the jungles at kabini :).
hoping to be amidst tigers in
hoping to be amidst tigers in the jungles at kabini :).
Enjoy them, apparently, very few left in the wild
Cubbon Park?
Freedom park, coming
Freedom park, followed by coffee at Kamat?
Its a little more central place than BTM layout.
Venue: Freedom Park
OK, Freedom Park it is.
On the train- yeshwanthpur to Hosur
How about taking the new local train from yeshwanthpur to hosur. We can have the praja meeting onboard the train , what say?
April Praja Meet
As wesaw last time, there is no bus stop in the vicinity of Freedom Park.
We may as well meet at Kamat restaurant itself.
Hosur - Yeswantpur train
What are the stops?
Where do we board?
Train information -YPR-Hosur
Train YH-1 Yeshwantpur- Hosur special will leave Yeshwantpur at 6.20 am and reach Hosur at 7.55 am. In the return, train HY-1 Hosur-Yeshwantpur special will leave Hosur at 8.10 am and reach Yeshwantpur at 9.50 am.
Train YH-2 Yeshwantpur-Hosur special will leave Yeshwantpur at 3.55 pm and reach Hosur at 5.05 pm. In the return, train HY-2 Hosur-Yeshwantpur special will leave Hosur at 5.45 pm and reach Yeshwantpur at 7.20 pm.
The two trains will ply via Lottegollahalli, Hebbal, Banaswadi, Belandur road, Karmelaram, Heelalige and Anekal Road.
Pathy sir, from where you live, Bellandur station will be closest i guess.
Vinod, it is a good idea but........
It is a good idea but the timings seems little too early for anybody on weekends.
Nevertheless I liked your suggestion.
Where do we meet
Idea is good to have meeting in the train YPR-HOSUR.
Are we meeting at Freedom Park or meeting in train YPR-HOSUR ( YH-1 ) at 6:20 morning. Let us know.
train meeting good idea, but ... park this time
Vinod, All,
Let us meet at Freedom Park itself. 7.30 am.
Next meeting - let us do it in the train, an excellent idea, if we plan this with 2 week's lead time, should get all Commuter Rail enthisuasts to attend.
-SB aka Pranav
ask driver to stop, they will
Pathy sir, others, at 7.15-7.30 am on Saturday - just request the driver to stop for a min near Freedom Park, he will.
OK. See you all @ Freedom Park
Tomorrow, Saturday 10/Apr @ 7:30am.
See you there!!
'Comment field is required' and hence I am re-prasing the Subject - I will be there!!
-Srivatsava V