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Want to sue KSRTC [corrected]

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[Note from Modsas mentioned in comments below, user admitted to an error on his side. There was no error in the ticket issued by KSRTC.]

I am not sure if this is my confusion or problem with KSRTC but let me explain what happened to me recently.

On Nov 17th I booked online tickets for Bangalore-Kumbakonam and return jouney for two people. The bus was scheduled for departure and 8:49PM from Big Bazaar(Shanthi Nagar Bus Stand). The condition of the bus was pathetic, seats were not in a position to stand straight. IF any passenger wants to sleep and he leans back, the seat will take rest on passengers lap sitting back of him. Driver didnt bother to slow down when he approached any road this called blind driving??. So reached kumbakonam somehow by managing in that bus.(We have tendency to manage with what ever we have)

now on return jouney issues. The Bus was schedule to depart from Kumbakonam at 9:15PM. Visited bus stand in Kumbakonam around 7PM to check where will the bus come. Saw 2 KSRTC bus and asked the driver will the bus at 915PM arrives at this place. He said yes. trusting on our State bus driver, returned back to hotel, had lunch and checkout around 840PM with my mother. It was not raining, reached the bus stand and waited for the bus to arrive to the place.Around 920Pm we asked a TN booking counter guy and he replied that the last KSRTC bus is at 730PM and there are no buses after that.We were like wtf we have a confirmed ticket and how come you say no buses. We waited for another 10mins. Called Just dail and got the so called HELPLINE number of KSRTC. I got reply from them saying that the bus is somewhere there and bang he disconnected the phone.To my luck my Airtel connection to not able to connect to any towers nearby. One person said that they have counter in the other corner of the bus stand. Did take round trip of the bus along with my aged mother, in rain, bus stand was like our old KR market. full of dirt, flith .we could not see any KSRTC counter.Then one good soul informed us to wait for 10mins if bus doesnt come go to Trichy,then to Salem and then to Bangalore. Finally we did what he said.


Now I want to sue our KSRTC for not living upto the promise they deliver. I feel like suing them for around 50Lakhs.I feel like suing them like people do in abroad. I felt our citizens/Government organization doesnt have any basic courtsey.They only know how to rob money from people, make themselves rich,let others die I dont care attitude, 0% common sense. . Only rich people voice will be heard..

Can any one share their ideas or suggestion to sue KSRTC for 50Lakhs for not delivering their service to what I have paid.


Planning to visit Shantinagar KSRTC office today. I dont know how it will work..may be another red tape organization.


Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Be prepared to loose

161 users have liked.

Like Bhagavadgeetha says "Maa paleshu kadachana.." you should sue the KSRTC hoping to win but preparing to loose. Even though you may not win or be paid for the case, I am sure it will build a case against KSRTC, and a warning will be issued by court. If you win,  nothing like that. However, please consult with a lawyer(will be lawyer available for that?)


All the best..

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
pradeep's picture

Very true

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Yes Sir, I do understand. As I said in my post "only rich people voices are heard" I am not a rich guy, I was so angry so I said I wanted to sue them... Anyways sir thank you for replying.  I just called KSRTC traffic management and informed the issue. They have asked me to send an email to Even I am  not sure if the email works or not. I hope i will get Non Delivery report. Even websites are not updated. So we have to live with it.  Got to go now. will let the forum know if email id works or not. if it works i hope I should get an email.





“An act of charity by the citizens questions the worthiness of the government.” 

Vasanth's picture

KSRTC Email Doesn't Work

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 Nobody checks emails in KSRTC. It is one of the worst organization. Mr. Gaurav Gupta, MD doesn't take anything to improve on these niticracies.

I have encountered many such problems, especially when it rains. Almost all the buses leaks. Once I took Megadhoota, a custom built A/C bus when it was raining. Rain was pouring from A/C vents.

murali772's picture

go to consumer forum

168 users have liked.

Plainly shows that even someone of Mr Gaurav Gupta's redoubtable integrity and caliber can do only so much, when it's a monopoly scenario, and a government one at that. The ultimate answer plainly lies in healthy competition, and on a level playing field - check this.

Meanwhile, the right forum to approach in such cases is perhaps the consumer court - check this. My estimate is that they could award you upto Rs 10 K (ask for Rs 25 K) as compensation, plus refund of the ticket charges. If you want a good lawyer, I can recommend one.

Muralidhar Rao
murali772's picture

please contact MD

163 users have liked.

@Pradeep, Vasanth - I contacted Mr Gupta. He has said "Let them write a mail now to"

Muralidhar Rao
pradeep's picture

mail sent

169 users have liked.

Hey guys, Thanks for all the information.



As soon as i sent this email within 3mins I got call from one person( forgot his name :-(  I have decided not to sue KSRTC. it was my mistake. He clarified the ticket details. Very kind person. Suggested him to look into the condition of buses and requested to maintain them properly. He also provided complete information as to why there was no KSRTC enquiry office or board displayed.


Email IDs that I used:



“An act of charity by the citizens questions the worthiness of the government.” 

pradeep's picture

Wrong email ID

196 users have liked.

When i called the traffic mgmt office today morning a female by name Savitha gave me this email address which doesnt work. Got non-delivery report.



“An act of charity by the citizens questions the worthiness of the government.” 

murali772's picture

you owe an explanation

175 users have liked.

@ Pradeep

If it was your mistake, you owe us all an explanation. You can't make allegations in public, then say you made a mistake, and keep quiet.

If it's a genuine mistake, well, we'll let you off. Otherwise, PRAJA will sue you in its own court :))).

Muralidhar Rao
pradeep's picture

I apologise

182 users have liked.

After gettting call from KSRTC, I posted the same and went out for some personal work. I returned an hour back.

Yes I completely agree..It was really a confusion. Luckily I met english speaking people at that place and showed them the ticket even they were confused. Even I read the ticket 3-4 times but nothing struck to mu mind..Later when I spoke to KSRTC he explained the ticket. Now I am clear of it. 

I am sorry for the praja team to cause issues.I apologize for what I did.



“An act of charity by the citizens questions the worthiness of the government.” 

ss87's picture

 Ok So what was the

179 users have liked.


So what was the mistake-time mistake? Seriously couldnt believe that you had a problem with service provider like KSRTC-dont knwo what would have happened if it was some other person

murali772's picture

moral of the story

172 users have liked.

Pradeep is obviously a bit too embarrassed to talk about it. So, I'll say it for him, since anyway, he has now apologised. He had tickets for his return journey from Thanjavur, and not from Kumbakonam. Perhaps, he's already paying a penalty by way of having to explain to his own folk about subjecting his aged mother to hardships, because of his goof-ups :))). So, let's leave it at that.

The moral of the story plainly is that you need to be doubly careful when you use the medium of the net. It's not like having a chat across a coffee table.

Well, however careful one may try to be, one can still make mistakes, like in the present instance. When that happens, just plainly apologise, quite like what Pradeep has done.

That still leaves for debate issues regarding the poor bus maintenance norms, driving practices, way-side passenger amenities, etc, where I'll continue to maintain that competition, and that alone, can bring about quantum improvements, which is what today's customer is demanding.  

Muralidhar Rao
silkboard's picture

a good example of user error

157 users have liked.

What we see here is a common "situation" encountered in dealing with customer (or citizen) requests and complains. Depending on the type of business (or service), 40-60% of requests or complaints are either erroneous or result of user error.

Pradeep, it is not that uncommon, so please don't feel bad. Brave of you to have posted, and then admitted to the error on your side.

For KSRTC - if they do have working mechanisms for taking in and managing customer complaints, they would probably know that stat about "user error".

rs's picture

Well, I think there is a

175 users have liked.

Well, I think there is a point here. The KSRTC website is quite badly designed. It is often hard to find whether there is a bus between any two points. Also, one has to log in and register before being able to find out whether there is a bus between two points. And given that many places have alternative spellings it is often hard to find the correct name for a place. So its easy to get a little lost and make the wrong booking - especially if one has spent some time searching for the correct place.

While I have had good experiences traveling by KSRTC buses in the recent past I still feel there is a lot of room for improvement with their website.

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