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Tree vandalisation, suspect - Lifestyle

133 users have liked.

Malls are a reality in today's world, whether one is prepared to accept them or not. While the main grouse against them is that they cause severe congestion, particularly when located at already busy traffic junctions without sufficient attention having been paid to channelise the increased traffic flow, there would, on the other hand, certainly be a fairly large section of the local population who welcome their presence in such close proximity. The Oasis mall in Koramangala is one such, about which debates on similar lines can go on endlessly. As far as I was concerned, what made the Oasis mall generally acceptable was its overall pleasing appearance - not so imposing, not too garish; the wide set back from the road; fair amount of parking space (though one needs to have quite some expertise to go up the steep ramps); and, most of all, the row of trees planted along the neatly paved pathway in front. The trees towards the Southern half (closer to the Sony World jn) had generally grown to over 10 ft height, while the ones towards the Northern half were still 2 to 3 ft high plants. Overall, they provided a much needed green touch to the glass, steel and concrete edifice.

But, alas, somebody seems to have suddenly decided that these beautiful trees were coming in the way of their business interests, and surreptitiously gone about cutting out rings around the bark of the trunks, deep enough to ensure that they would collapse with one strong breeze. And, that is exactly what has happened, with two of them reduced to some 3 ft high stumps, and a third one well on its way to being reduced to a stump also. I have captured it all it all at here (click for flickr photoset). These pictures were taken as I walked along the path from North to South (towards Sony World jn), and a few, as I waiked back.

Apparently, the trees / plants had been planted, and were being nurtured, by the Oasis property management. When I talked to the man in-charge, he himself expressed anguish, claiming he was originally from Malnad, and thereby a great lover of trees. He tried to pass off the blame on BBMP. But, I would place my suspicion on LIFESTYLE, who occupy the ground and first floors of the complex, and the visibility of whose huge display windows these poor trees were apparently blocking.

No way can such reasons be accepted - they either learn to live with trees or shut shop - that's what I would like to say. My attempt to reach the LIFESTYLE manager through the 'Malnadina maga' has not succeded so far.

Muralidhar Rao

[formatted to add some photos inline to the post {blr_editor}]


narayan82's picture

Green Tax

157 users have liked.
Every building must pay a Green Tax. This money can be utilized by the BBMP to maintain the greenery in the city. There could be an exemption/reduction in this tax, to those who have trees in their property.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
silkboard's picture

Some byelaw changes?

144 users have liked.

Do these sound practical?

  • Setback area from plot boundary must include x trees per y meter
  • Each new tree gets you some extra FAR.
  • Cutting existing trees for construction activity reduces allowed FAR
  • Every construction activity that touches or builds more than X sqft (X = say 3000) on a plot adjoining the road, builder must pave the footpath and provision for Y trees with meshed enclosure on the new pavement
blrsri's picture

no place for trees?

157 users have liked.

when architects persent designs for buildings they also do a decent job on having greenery planted in their models..shouldnt that reflect on ground?

In the above case of oasis mall..its very evident from the fotos that they discourage tree growing..there is a cut stump and the other young tree has no room to grow, being constrained by the tiles laid around it!

Btw why do we need a bylaw for trees..isnt it individual responsibility that we plant and take care of our trees? If Oasis mall is worried about the facade being spoint..I am sure a good flowering tree can add to the aesthetics..

Photoyogi's picture

Tree Cutting -- shameful

152 users have liked.
Murali-sir, (The sir is for the grey hair and the energy/enthu you have :-) ) Thanks for throwing light on this shameful act. Nothing gives me more peace of mind than a walk in my garden or gardening itself. I think we have to be more vigilant and report these evil doers. Little do they realise, that they are cutting off their own Oxygen supply. As a part of town planning effort can the bye-laws for building mandate that for every commercial/residential complexes in excess of 7500 sft should have a percentage of the setbacks allocated for garden/trees? Does such a thing already exist? If so it should get enforced else I strongly feel such a bye-law should be introduced. Edit after reading my own post: PS: Just realised that Silkboard had made the same comment :) Thanks SB, I second your view 100% -- Praveen Sundaram AkA PhotoYogi

-- PhotoYogi

Deepti Rao's picture

For the first time I agree

137 users have liked.

For the first time I agree whole heartedly with Mr. Rao. It is integral that we make efforts to save these trees even though they are small ones. The fact is that they will grow into huge trees (although we migh not be around to see them). It looks like the mall authorities have just planted a tree just for the heck of it.

And one more thing, there is hardly any space left at the base of the tree. This is definately going to hinder its growth.

Deepti Rao.

shamalakittane's picture

slow death

147 users have liked.

Even if they are chopped, thats only before they die anyways due to lack of water reaching its now completely cemented base with no way for any rain water to percolate downwards to keep them alive. These trees are a joy to watch in summers, absolutely cheerful pink flowers dominating the canopy is beautiful...but dont think they'll survive till the summers.

Thanks for bringing this up again. Whether they are 'still there' or not, they are sure gone soon - drying up or weakening with no water. And then when the weak trees fall on someone's car - it'll make it to the newspapers !

shamalakittane's picture

I guess emphasis should be

155 users have liked.

I guess emphasis should be laid on also the type of trees planted. EGL has quite a bit of greenery but they couldnt be more plastic.

'Y' trees yes, but definitely indigenous ones. 

murali772's picture

reflecting our life-style?

151 users have liked.

Perhaps resulting out of the criticism here, the Oasis Mall authorities planted new Honge' saplings in place of those chopped. They were growing along beautifully till one fine day last week, the LIFESTYLE lot apparently decided that they were obstructing the view of their display windows, and out came the axe. Looks like they will never allow them to grow into trees.

Muralidhar Rao
srinidhi's picture

trees need pruning

149 users have liked.

Good news Murali Sir atleast for the ones left..honge grows well if tended well..

By the looks of the saplings above, they need to be pruned properly to let them grow a nice canopy..

It will also need an enclsure with soil exposed for atleast 2X2 ft

Cows dont eat it..goats may..but that may not be a problem..its just that people sould not cut them, like they did earlier!

Naveen's picture

Public spaces commercialized ?

155 users have liked.

" When shopping malls start replacing public spaces as meeting places for citizens, it is a symptom that the city is ill "

- Lloyd Wright, Architect

gbhupesh's picture

some one please send these photos to mall owner

140 users have liked.

Some one please send these photos to mall owner, otherwise those tree would not survive for long .. 

murali772's picture

looking good for now

111 users have liked.

It's been four years since the plants were trimmed. They have grown into shade giving trees now. Hope Auchan or Lifestyle do not decide that they are affecting their visibility, and resort to chopping/ trimming them.

Muralidhar Rao
blrpraj's picture

Z category security

115 users have liked.

Alas, this is the age we live in. Looks like trees will start needing round the clock Z category VVIP security to protect them from us selfish human beings!

pradeep's picture

i really dont understand why

125 users have liked.

i really dont understand why we put concrete surrrounding tree..Is it to kill the trees or keep it clean. Is BBMP uneducated?? Every five years around 50-100 miisters go abroad for study..for their any deveopment..100% no development.


Because of this bangalore ground water is becoming posionous..every footpath in city is cemented without commonsense and its not unscientific.



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