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Rationalising and Reforming Bus routes - case study

This is presented in two parts -

First a 10 page summary of a recent e-mail brainstorming over how bus routes in Pune can be rationalised. My arguments are presented as AJ in the document -

I am ready to travel in these types of BMTC buses:

Vajra (Volvo) Only
34% (62 votes)
Vajra / Pushpak / Suvarna Saarige - No ordinary
22% (40 votes)
Any BMTC bus is OK for me
19% (35 votes)
Pushpak / Suvarna Saarige / Ordinary - Volvo is expensive
5% (9 votes)
Ordinary bus is enough - I need more frequency.
19% (35 votes)
Total votes: 181

Tree vandalisation, suspect - Lifestyle

Malls are a reality in today's world, whether one is prepared to accept them or not. While the main grouse against them is that they cause severe congestion, particularly when located at already busy traffic junctions without sufficient attention having been paid to channelise the increased traffic flow, there would, on the other hand, certainly be a fairly large section of the local population who welcome their presence in such close proximity. The Oasis mall in Koramangala is one such, about which debates on similar lines can go on endlessly.

Power drought hits Belgaum:6 to 12 hours power cut

Get ready for an almost black out. From today the 12 hours of load shedding will be done in the city. The CM, Yedurappa will make a statement in the assembly today on this and the timetable for the load shedding could be out.

This morning on Mysore Road

I’m new to Praja and this is my first post. My apologies if I managed to mess things up posting this. Ha, and thanks to folks who were so cordial at the TWG meeting on Saturday!

Travelling this morning on Mysore Road, got caught in a big mess. Unusual that early in the morning. Cause: Vrushabhavati Drain at the ORR junction obviously overflowed after rains last night. Intersection was full of a grand mixture of mud, litter and water. Crews were trying to clean up in the middle of the traffic. And that too with their hands! Not a single clean-up machine at work.

Keep the saarige, let go yelli-iddira

Understanding competition as a/the solution for public transit. Muralidhar rao's praja post is a starting point for the discussion on competizing public transport. The other day, during the PTWG meeting, when the issue of the pathetic condition of BMTC's website and demise of yelli-iddira came up, he broke into an impassioned and yet articulate speech. I cannot recollect his exact words, but his basic point was that BMTC lacks any competitive or regulatory pressure and hence the pathetic state of those services. The only way to get service levels to improve is to open its domain for competition. I have heard his basic position many times, but to hear him make his case in person was a friends,countrymen and romans moment for me. In any case, his speech got me thinking ...

Lessons to learn from LA Olympics traffic experience

Below given is a news item that appeared in DH. After reading this, it occurred to me that there could be lessons from this story and could help us formulate some mitigating scenarios for easing B'lore traffic.

The story goes like this....................


Courtsey - Deccan Herald


Minutes of the July 19 meeting

We talked a lot, you can imagine the kind of conversations if people with ideas and opinions on just about anything Bangalore converge in one room.


Creative agency to improve driver behaviour

Spotted this interesting thing today. KRDCL is looking to hire a Creative Agency as consultant for spreading road safety awareness and improving road user behaviour in Bangalore. How much money is budgeted for this is not clear. Since KRDCL is putting this out, and not Traffic Police or BBMP, I am guessing this is part of the BTRAC-2010 (KRDCL is the nodal agency for it).

Here is the goal as listed in the document (click here to read) from KRDCL:

What do the people from Bangalore think about Belgaum ?

I want to know What do the people of Bangalore think about Belgaum.

In all respects, what is that you percive in your mind about the city. If you have been there what have you liked or disliked ?

Or do plan to go there once anything ?


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