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Brainstorming Session on Conservation and Management of Urban Lakes - A Report

The meeting was held in CiSTUP seminar room from 9 am to 5 pm. The room was full with a good complement of students.

We had the initial round of formalities followed by morning tea/breakfast

The morning session had several speakers discusing various aspects of urban lake conservation after which we had an afternoon discussion/brainstorming session

ESG Meet 23 September 2009. A Brief Report.

The Conference was from 9:30 AM to about 4PM. Attended by about 50 odd people. The organizers were disappointed  a little as their expectations were much more.

Estimating travel patterns in Bangalore - possible approach

Have been chastisized by Tarle for pouring ATF on burning embers in a previous post and not using my praja time on more useful things :). 

Responsible corporate policy on taxi drives

Last couple of days was in Khandala giving a lecture to one of the big banks on supply chain management.  Won't disclose their name for obvious reasons.

17% people walk in Bangalore

Private vehicles in India account for 67.5% of motorised vehicles, carry 37% of the commuters and take up 67% of the road width. Buses account for 24.5% of motorised vehicles on the road and carry around 61% commuters, taking up 38% road width.

Water and Carbon cycle in Nature and how to mange them safely

Major portion of our body (90%) is water. Water is the elixir of life. Life on earth which is carbon based has lead to the study of biochemistry. There is a speculation about a possible parallel life system elsewhere in the Universe based on silicon [1].

BWSSB Rain Water Harvesting rules

Folks,  The draft rules for the BWSSB Rain Water Harvesting Amendment Act 2009 have been published on the BWSSB website.  They have generously provided one whole week for feedback from the general public. See the rules here.

Netas snub board, meddle in police transfers

Even after Home Minister V S Acharya had recently explained the formation of the Police Establishment Board (PEB) to ensure that transfers are done without “external’’ pressure’’, there seems to be no end to political interference.

Praja: what next and do more - your thoughts?

Recent comments and messages from a few members indicate that it may be time for us to take some next steps to "do more". We are trying to see if there are good and practical ideas on "what next" and "do more", this is the place-holder posts to capture your input.

Any info on ORR between mysore road and magadi road

Anyone knows here the recent updates of magadi-mysore road ring road. ( As per my understanding the ring road and its service roads are completed but flyovers at magadi road junction and mysore road junction are not yet completed. If anybody knows the status of these flyovers can mention here.

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