Meet on activities on the first Cycle Day event (27/Oct)

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Some news on activities planned on the first CycleDay event. Following is a quick summary from the meeting held on 1/Oct to discuss potential options:

1. Inauguration by the Mayor - via a ceremonial cycle ride.

2. A heritage cycle ride around Cubbon park area. Critical Mass happens on the same day. Work with them to explore combining the two somehow.

3. Institute something (Ideabox) to gather feedback from the participants.

4. Work with HOPCOMS to set up fruit & juice stall for riders.

'Feel Bengaluru' cycle day event on Oct/27 is the very first event in this monthly recurring campaign. Some of the ideas related to events in the following months (shool going children, office-goers etc) were also discussed. Waiting for their time to come too.