Bicycle repair shops in Bengaluru

275 users have liked.

 Trying to crowdsource bicycle repair shops on a map. I have made the map in the link editable by all,Just plot the ones you see in your neighbourhood with a marker and save. While you cant edit the embedded image directly, click on the link in the small text below the map. It will open in gmaps which should have the edit option available. there is an edit on the left hand pane (a button) which is to be used and doesnt need google approvers. The edit on the topright menu bar is for editing the generic google maps which needs to go thru google approvers. If you are not signed in you will not see the edit in the left pane and will only see the geneic oogle edit. So sign up with a google id to edit.

View/edit bicycle repair shops in a larger map


Edit the map

198 users have liked.

While you cant edit the embedded image directly, click on the link in the small text below the map. It will open in gmaps which should have the edit option available. Let me know if you are unable to edit, I have set it up for everybody to edit. 

Added one shop

201 users have liked.

 At Madiwala Market Road at Koramangala End.

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"

added two more

177 users have liked.

around my area. cool feature to collaborate, nice and easy to use!

added 3

203 users have liked.

added 3 bicycle repair shops near my area.

Added a few

230 users have liked.
Added all the ones I've been to.

Deepak Rajanna

Both venu's & deepak's edits

184 users have liked.

Both venu's & deepak's edits are not showing, or is it just me.

one last step missed..

187 users have liked.

I guess..

When we do the edit and add the new entries on the map..we need to click on 'Done' to save them..this will make them visible to all! 

one of my edits is seen.

217 users have liked.

hi ,

i just checked on Google maps , one of my edits is seen. i.e

CBI Rd, Vishveshvaraiah Nagar, Hebbal, Bengaluru  
Category: Bicycle Repair Shop
i had added two more  and the same have been reviewed and approved  by the Google reviewers.  these are not being shown .
 Now there are some javascript errors on google maps preventing edits. will try again some time late evening or tomw.

Wrong edit!

194 users have liked.

I think you guys are using the wrong edit, there is an edit on the left hand pane (a button) which is to be used and doesnt need google approvers. The edit on the topright menu bar is for editing the generic google maps which needs to go thru google approvers. 

Please use the edit on the left panel for adding your placemarks.

it is already present

195 users have liked.

hi ,

i rechecked my edit history , just pasting for reference. Note the status -published

MK Cycle Shop
CBI Rd, Vishveshvaraiah Nagar, Ganga Nagar 
Category: Bicycle Repair Shop
Status: Published
Added on Mar 26, 2011 5:44am
Details | Edit 

 Tulsi Cycle Mart
Ganga Nagar, Bengaluru, Bengaluru, Karnataka 
Category: Bicycle Repair Shop
Status: Published
Added on Mar 26, 2011 5:43am
Details | Edit 

 Amjad Cycle Mart
CBI Rd, Vishveshvaraiah Nagar, Hebbal, Bengaluru 
Category: Bicycle Repair Shop
Status: Published
Added on Mar 26, 2011 5:40am

i am able locate the same now. sample query

"cycle loc: CBI Rd, Ganga Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka"

The listing provides me the ones were the ones i had intended to add.
 Not sure why it was not showing up in the morning. 

i guess i got what i missed.

190 users have liked.

you should see two more from me.   let me know if you need me to add the ones which have been published too ?


Added 6 shops on OOR and a few on wind tunnel

192 users have liked.

All the shops added by me do not have names but have marked their exact location.

These are all small puncture shops

Added a couple in koramangala as well.

187 users have liked.

These are proper cycle shops that sell cycles but they do some basic repair too.

Is this possible?

194 users have liked.

I am sure some of us have cycles.. we could go on an early morning cycling ride and note down all the repair shops in that area....

Not sure if this is workable.

Very workable

189 users have liked.

Not sure if this is workable


Additionally, can do this during regular office commute also. Lets plot as many as we possibly can.

Problem when you are on the road?

204 users have liked.

Guide to viewing bicycle repair shops using google maps on your GPS unit.

Click on "save to my maps" that shows up in the top right of the left pane. Then on your Android phone go to Maps->Menu->Layers->More Layers->My Maps, Bicycle repair shops in Bengaluru will show there. Click on it and voila :)

Anybody use an iOS or Symbian phone can post if its any different. Also I dont know how to view this using non google maps GPS s/w.

Add this to mymaps from your

200 users have liked.

Add this to mymaps from your browser so you can view it from your mobile. If you have further updates feel free to update the map

Bumping this up... can admin

194 users have liked.

Bumping this up... can admin make this sticky?