Single Emergency Response Number for Bengaluru/Karnataka
Project number: | 4639 |
Opened by: | kbsyed61 |
Opened on: | Monday, 9 January 2012 - 8:19am |
Last modified: | Monday, 9 January 2012 - 8:19am |
Operations: | add Case | view all project cases |
We do have phone numbers to dial in case of emergency. But there are many problems with them. There are a bunch of numbers and not just one. 100, 101, 103, 8 digit numbers on national highways, a separate number on NICE Road, and even more. Next, numbers like 100 don't reliably work from cell phones. And we don't know who to go complain to if the numbers don't work from some phone networks. Last, even if you get through to the right number, at times, there is no pick up fro the other side. We just don't know how many operators are sitting on the other sides, what languages would they speak, are they able to pickup caller's location through phone technology itself, etc.
This project is to do serious and focused advocacy for getting us a single emergency response number to call for most situations (fire, road accident, health emergency at home, reporting any suspicious activity at public places, may be more). Idea is to push for this number for whole of Karnataka, and not just Bangalore.
[Admin: project created on behalf of Syed]
Priority on Roads for Emergency Vehicles - BTP's new education campaign

Courtesy - Deccan Herald
"...The Bangalore Traffic Police has kickstarted a campaign of sorts to educate the public on the need to give way to an ambulance. But whether this will change people’s attitude is yet to be seen..."
Namma Bengaluru Uncaring? hotel worker left to die on road !
Source - DNA
This is what a 24 year old hotel employee, Lino Tharakan, injured in the crane accident has to say about indifferent attitude of the people on the road who failed to lend a helping hand.
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Recent comments in this project
Pleading alone does NOT work
Need for hospitals as an alternative
It is a complex thingie
Alternatives to educating poeple
In USA, it is 115 db for Emergency Vehicle Siren!
The title - 'It pays to be more civilised'
My feedback
Cant hear or see ambulance
Continuous Improvement!
@kbsyed - Re: Real-time example of emergency response in USA!
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