Posting on behalf of Vinay Srinivasa (Hasiru Husiru)
More info on the proposed War Memorial in this post - http://www.praja.in/en/blog/prajasevaka/2010/01/09/war-memorial-some-facts-and-questions
Dear all,
The BDA along with ABIDe looks set to construct a war memorial in Indira Gandhi Fountain park after cutting a unknown numer of trees(sources say 30 - 60).
its really senseless to cut these many trees in a aprk for the war memorial and i don't see why they cant construct a memorial without cutting any trees.
BDA has a meeting in their office tomorrow, fri feb 19(near windsor manor) at 3.30pm , where they have a presentation on the same from the architects side. I don't know if its a fully public meeting, but i think they are ok with us going. We should go there and make our stand on the same clear .
I'll most likley go but im not fully sure as yet. Can someone else also please volunteer to come? it should take an hour or so. Even If I do go, it will be good If there are others with me. If you can come, please call me on 98805 95032 and let me know.
The stance we should take is - point them to the judgement in WP 7107/2008 because of which they cannot do any such plans without following the KTCP act . We also need to point out that the Indira Gandhi park is also protected under K arnataka Parks, Playfields and Open Spaces (Preservation & Regulation) Act, 1985 and that they cannot violate the same (metro has done so and judgement is pending in the high court) . we should also demand that all plans are made public and public consultations should be held on the same.