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Steel?? Concrete is way better!

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There is lot of talk about the steel bridge coming at a very high inflated cost on Hebbal road..there are various options to consider before getting to building a bridge like mass PT options like a BRT or LRT/Metro or Suburban rail..

However even after the implementation of the mass PT options, if there is a need for a bridge, a more affordable  concrete option is always better!

The advantages quoted for the steel bridge is that :

  • It can be implemented fast ( around 2 yrs)
  • It does not affect the traffic 'much' during construction

Concrete bridges are way more elegant and longer lasting and lesser maintenance and doesnt get hot and and..the positives list goes on!

Referencing Naresh Narsimhan's solution about 'surgical' interventions to address traffic on airport road, I was compelled to try bring back focus on one of the best infra projects implemnted in blr..almost 20 years ago!

The above pic is of the exit ramp of the mysore road flyover which is a full lane width..and it rests on the pillars like below:

This bridge was built by the same L&T years ago with precast tech!

  • This was built extremely fast (in about 2 years)
  • Built around heavy traffic of city market area

Please observe the finish of the bridge! This is one of the most elegant bridge construction I have seen till date and also look at the footptint of the pillars (4 ft dia).

I would think, cosidering all the advantages, Karnataka govt should just challenge L&T to build some smaller bridges like above to fix the airport road traffic!

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