First off, thanks Vasanth for the informative update on the long awaited train. Hopefully they will complete the Bangalore Hassan line soon, the zig zag route via Mysore (go south) and Hassan (come back north) takes a bit too much time (12 hours).
BTW, I read a news-piece on this train in ToI this morning, and something in there just amazed me. The piece talks about Mr Lalu Yadav flagging the Bangalore train off at Mangalore, and how he kept the audience in splits during his speech. Now, for the interesting part:
"When Lalu mentioned that he knew the reasons behind the delay and put the onus on the bus and truck lobby, there was a loud roar of approval"
So whats our Railway Minister saying here? That he knew about the lobbying that was going on under the table to delay the start of this train? That he can just say he 'knew' about it and wash his hands off? Or is he only passing the buck, to local railway bodies or the previous railway minister?
Now that the train is on, it will be "forget and move on" as usual. But I hope some political opponents of Railway Minister will pick this speech up and make some noise. And before that let me hope that ToI has quoted Mr Yadav accurately enough, they do spice things up at times :)
[That quote is from a story on page 1, ToI Bangalore, Sunday Dec 9 2007]
Project Unigauge
goods train started earlier?!
pliabilty of Railways officiadom
Bangalore-Mysore Doubling track? another 20 years for that!?
Doubling line; Mys-Blore Track
The Catastrophe called Liberalisation
Bangalore-Mysore Train Doubling
Touch me not Railways
Great job Vasanth
Touch me not railways - bang on
Drive safe. It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.
Track Doubling