I swear, I was not trying a sting operation here. Though I do wish our electronic media tried sting operations at these day-to-day levels as well, but they are on to bigger things :)
I like observing these situations though. The 'negotiation' lingers on, hands go in and out of various pockets - driver's license in cop's, wallet out of the 'entrapped', bike key in to the supporting cop. Faces frown, a little bit of sulking and threats later, peace is made. We know all this, but whats the good way of dealing with this stuff? Can you and me do anything to better it? I don't have a problem with harassment. Bribe or not, the 'offender' could learn a lesson. But fining a random guy with torn registration paper, or expired license isn't worth this much time. There are bigger crimes happening on the road that go unnoticed, like speeding (can cause death), driving on the wrong side, overloaded lorries and maxi-cabs, reckless driving. Moreover, this really isn't policing. Its more of random picking just for the sake of it.
[Note: I took this particular picture in Pune]
Traffic Corruption
Stinging RTI style
Good Catch
Stopping Bribe is very difficult
Keep the police hands out of the kitty
privatize enforcement
The solution is as simple as it sounds. Just privatize the traffic regulation.
How it works is, I - being a private contractor- take up the ‘rights’ to monitor certain area, say M.G road (the same way BMP used to auctions parking lots). I pay the government certain money for giving me the right. Then the government tells me “see, you can go catch and fine all the people out their risking their and others lives, but you can not fine anyone without first having a photo/video of them violating the rule”. Then I invest some more money to hire people, equipment (traffic cameras, speed radars etc). Then I go install the infrastructure on MG road and I will record on my camera every guy who crossed the yellow line or jumped the signal or the like. I catch that guy at the next junction, and tell him ‘Dude, we have you on the tape crossing the yellow line. That would be 2000 Rs fine. Will that be fine?’.
Now do you see how it works? The government is happy because it gets more revenue than before. The contractor is happy because he makes more money than he invested, the police are happy because now they can concentrate on really important things like channeling traffic to help VIPs go to a dinner party, the average commuter is happy because the traffic is smoother and he know he cant be implicated without genuine evidence. The only person who feels sad is may be the guy who paid those 2000 Rs. But 4 out of 5 is still a good score.
What do you think?
A great idea, but it will have it's share of problems
Technology to help?
Privatize Enforcement
Privte cops
Why take bribe?
not really