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Traffic Cops Charging too much eh??

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I have seen many people often caught by the Bangalore's traffic police. If this is the same case all you guys experience, then here are some important things you need to know when it comes to traffic fines. The Traffic Police cannot catch a motorist just to examine the driving license or vehicle documents He can catch you only if you have violated any traffic laws or if you are driving drunk

Remember that when caught for traffic violation, the fine you pay must be limited to the violation. In other words, the police can't bloat the bill saying that you have no insurance cover or emission certificate, etc 

Many motorists do not know this, no policeman can slap a penalty on you just because you have no insurance or emission certificate. If you have not purchased insurance cover for your vehicle, then the police officer must issue a notice, not impose penalty. You must be given 15 days' time to purchase insurance cover and one week for obtaining the emission certificate Days later, meet the sub-inspector at his station with the insurance cover or emission certificate, so that he will annul the charge at once Police can fine you only if you fail to produce these documents within the stipulated period If your vehicle is brand new, then you need not bother about obtaining the emission certificate for one full year. 

The best way to teach the police a lesson is filing a written complaint with their higher officials and, a week later, using the Right to Information Act (RTI) to know the action taken against them. Remember, any question or application filed under RTI cannot be ignored and no official is bold enough to ignore the RTI Act.

Here is the link to the correct Traffic fines according to Bangalore City Traffic Police





srini_mr's picture

How to fight harassment with false charges

190 users have liked.

Today I was caught for using mobile while driving. I took the call to tell the otherside that I will call after 30 mins only to be caught by the police at the corner. There was no SI, the constables asked me to pull aside which I did and asked to give DL. I told them I will pay the penalty and asked for receipt. They said I need to pay 500 but I asked why, as I knew it would only be Rs 100. They told for mobile use and dangerous driving! I was coming at 20 km speed as signal had just turned green!  Then they tried took them to their sahebru (SI), made me to walk for 10 mins and as SI was not there, I asked them to take my car number and send the notice. Meanwhile police tried to throw all jargons to show that they put whatever complaint they want. When I asked for fine chart, they asked who I am to ask all that!

I agree it was my mistake taking phone call while driving, was ready to pay the penalty. I swear by safety of me and others while driving, give way people to exit, join, cross the road, in essence I do follow traffic rules and drive courteously. Despite all that we get caught for small mistakes and harassed/threatened with false accusations only to collect big bribes.

Are we not at the mercy of the people with authority? How do put an end to the harassment? comment guidelines

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