Hi all
The Residents Forum have infomed the BBMP Commissioner about Shifting of Garbage Segregation Point into our Colony on August 29, 2011. The letter sent to him is attached and google docs link is provided below.
Further we have sent a follow up mail to him and CC to Joint Commissioner East yesterday informing them of the latest developments and requested him to take action as soon as possible. The mail sent to the Commissioner is given below.
Respected Sir
First of all, we would like to thank you for taking steps to restore the garbage collection in our colony that had come to a standstill as pointed out in our letter dated August 29, 2011.
We had also requested you to relocated the garbage segregation point from 9th cross within our colony. In this regard we wish to inform you that the Corporator of Ward No 58 and BBMP staff had informed us last month that the garbage segregation point in 9th cross of our colony is a temporary one and that all segregation work shall be shifted below the Domlur flyover. We wish that this is quickly acted upon since the nauseating smell caused by the truck which crushes the garbage to make it compact is unbearable.
Please kindly keep us updated so that we will be able to inform the residents of our colony since many of them have requested us to contact your kind self to find an amicable solution to this problem at the earliest.
As a responsible RWA, we are also encouraging the residents of our colony to keep our locality clean and also invest in home composting equipments. We see a very good response from the residents in this regard. Please inform us if BBMP has any active / proposed projects with regards waste management where RWA's help is required. Hope we can join together and take this idea forward to ensure greater success.
We hope the BBMP Commissioner takes notice and ensures that our grevience is addressed asap.
Residents Forum, LIC Colony, Jeevan Bima Nagar, Bengaluru - 560075
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ResidentsForum?feature=mhee#p/a/u/1/EPTAds2z-2Y
Praja.in: http://praja.in/en/user/residents-forum
Twitter Handle: @residents_forum
Email: rf.jbnagar.licc.blr@gmail.com
M.S. Anand, President
Mobile: 9480204328
Email: msanand2009@gmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/melkottaishamaiyengar.anand
Balajee Vaidhyanathan, Secretary
Mobile: 9341057314
Email: vaidhyakals@yahoo.co.in
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/balajee.k.vaidhyanathan
Attachment | Size |
Letter_BBMP_Commissioner_29082011.pdf | 55.94 KB |
Segragation should not be
Segragation should not be done by BBMP workers. It should be done at point of origin. At that point it is not actually garbage and it is easy to segragae. Segragation is actually the responsibility of residents because it is so difficult, irritating etc. to segragate after all the waste gets mixed up in the garbage bin.
The part regarding composting equipment is very good. Wet waste should not given as garbage at all. They should be composted and then disposed. It will be so much easy for BBMP people. Other option is to give to dogs and even flush down drains where it will have time to decompose.
Garbage Collection
This is what happens in our colony and hopefully in most colonies across bengaluru.
1. The BBMP autos come to each house and collect the garbage, some houses segregate it into wet waste and dry waste and give them but usually all types of wastes goes in the same bag.
2. The BBMP autos do not distingush between wet and dry waste and they put all of them in the auto. Only a few big plastic/metal items are kept seperately.
3. All autos go to the garbage truck which compacts the waste and dumps the collected garbage in it.. When the compresser starts running and the compacting process is on, there is a nauseating smell which is unbearable. This happnes in the 9th Cross in our colony.
4. The garbage also falls on the road and during rainy/windy days the entire portion of road is full of garbage and stray dogs gather in large number making it difficult to walk there due to the foul smell and the aggressive stray dogs.
That place has become a dumping ground for neibhouring restaurants / hotels as well. The local BBMP staff is fully aware of the problem but are not taking steps to find out a solution. Therfore we have written to the Commissioner, BBMP with CC to Joint Commissioner East Zone.
We only hope that this temporary solution as mentioned by the Corporator and BBMP staff doesnt become a permenant one.
We have also recieved a reply from the Commissioners office to our earlier mail asking the JC to take the required steps. Posting it below.
Dear sir,
Residents Forum has complained about Shifting of Garbage Segregation Point into the LIC Colony, Jeevan Bima Nagar (Ward No 58). The same is here with forwarded. This mail has brought to the notice of Hon'bl Commissioner Sir. Please look into the matter and The action taken on this issue, may please be informed to this office and concerned complaintee..
Public Grievance Cell
Residents Forum, LIC Colony, Jeevan Bima Nagar, Bengaluru - 560075
To residents forum - point of above post?
Dear residents forum - appreciate the effort you are puttihng in to solve issues in your area and working with authorities. However, I am curious - what is the idea behind posting this on Praja? What were you planning to accomplish? Could you let me know? Just curious - that is all.