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Arbitrary and unfair water tariff increase for apartment complexes

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Attached is the minutes of the meeting between BAF (Bangalore Apartments Federation, representing 45 apartment complexes) members & BWSSB Chairman Mr. Ravi Shankar, held on 08 Jan 2014.

I had come across discussions on the subject on Facebook, a few months back, and was expecting that somebody will pursue remedial action in the matter sooner or later. When that didn't happen for long, I was trying to locate that discussion in order to further in on Praja, but that being not too easy on Facebook, I had almost given up. And, that's when somebody forwarded this document on a mail-group.

Well, now that Prajagalu have something to start on, let's take it further. After all, we are the ones who have been championing other issues like

  • Updating of the Apartment Ownership Act - check here
  • Demanding closure of Undervaluation Cell - check here
  • Non-transparency in the functioning of CREDAI - check here,

apart from others.

Muralidhar Rao

2014 01 08 Minutes of the Meeting BAF members & BWS.pdf271.83 KB comment guidelines

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