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Outraged? Show your anger in an email to Justice Verma!

316 users have liked.

It is really sad and depressing to end 2012 and start 2013 with grief, pain and angst. The 23 year old 'Amanat' left us grieving and with a mission to accomplish. The mission was to make our homes, streets, workplaces, public places safe for women and everybody else. As a custodian of 5000 year civilization, safety of women should have been the hallmark of our nation making, but unfortunately, in present times we now urgently need a revolution to reinstate that basic ingredient of our civilized living. Nevertheless, we can not change the past, but certainly can work towards repairing the pillar of strength that we have damaged.

We are outraged, seething in anger at politicians, police and judiciary for their role in getting things to this state. Our anger, pain is shown in our protests on streets, social media etc.

Now time to move past our emotional outbursts and channelize into a meaningful tribute to the departed soul.

Per government order, Former CJI Justice Verma is heading a  3 member commission, constituted to give recommendations on amending laws to provide speedier justice and enhanced punishment in sexual assault cases, seeking public comments on the issue by January 5.

The comments can be sent at or through FAX at 011-23092675.

The committee, which was constituted after public protests erupted over the Delhi gang-rape case, will look into possible amendments to the criminal law for faster trial and proper punishment for criminals accused of committing sexual assault of extreme nature against women.

Let us latch onto this opportunity and send in our tears in the form of words and sentences. If nothing else, the least we can do is drop an email with your own demands and suggestions.

BTW, Praja is 8000 strong community and I would request for at least 100 emails going to justice Verma committee from Praja members.

Pls do not forget to drop in a comment after you have sent in your email/fax.


kbsyed61's picture

I have sent mine - Count 001

205 users have liked.

I just sent in mine.

dvsquare's picture

I have sent mine - COUNT 002

201 users have liked.

I have sent mine a week back.



murali772's picture

my suggestions for quicker and fairer justice delivery

186 users have liked.

Have mailed the following list to Justice Verma, in my individual name:

1) Fast-track all cases pertaining to 'crimes against women'
2) Fast-track all kinds of cases, particularly heinous criminal ones, against elected representatives.
3) Publish progress of cases, with brief notes, on court web-sites.
4) Introduce "plea-bargaining" concept into Indian jurisprudence, so that at least the minor cases can be disposed off speedily, leaving the judiciary to concentrate on the major cases.
5) Appoint 'professional court managers' (check here for more), in order to allow the judges to concentrate on just the judicial matters.
6) Provide a cleaner and enabling environment for the judges to function from, which can come about through outsourcing of the maintenance of court complexes to professional agencies, as compared to the present practice of entrusting the job to the PWD (check here for more).

If there is total agreement on the above amongst Praja-Raag members, I can perhaps send the same again in the Society (yet to be registered, of course) 's name.

Muralidhar Rao
kbsyed61's picture

Go for it !

191 users have liked.


You have my vote for sending in 'Praja-RAAG' name. Let Praja community be counted among those who standup for societal wrongs.


Anithasunil's picture

181 users have liked.

A nice article on the changes required in the law in addition to the speeding up of the judicial system.

Sanjeev's picture

We should send as Syed sugested

217 users have liked.

PRAJA  RAAG should send

murali772's picture

suggestions were sent on 5th Jan

211 users have liked.

As generally approved by the members, I had sent the following to Justice Verma panel, on behalf of PRAJA-RAAG, on 5th Jan. The point no 7 was added to the list sent earlier in my individual name. Trust in order.

The following are our suggestions for quicker and fairer justice delivery:

1) Fast-track all cases pertaining to 'crimes against women'
2) Fast-track all kinds of cases, particularly heinous criminal ones, against elected representatives.
3) Publish progress of cases, with brief notes, on court web-sites.
4) Introduce "plea-bargaining" concept into Indian jurisprudence, so that at least the minor cases can be disposed off speedily, leaving the judiciary to concentrate on the major cases.
5) Appoint 'professional court managers' (check here for more), in order to allow the judges to concentrate on just the judicial matters.
6) Provide a cleaner and enabling environment for the judges to function from, which can come about through outsourcing of the maintenance of court complexes to professional agencies, as compared to the present practice of entrusting the job to the PWD (check here for more).
7) Juvenile status should be evaluated on a sliding scale with age and gravity of offence weighed carefully.

Regards, Muralidhar Rao, President, Praja-RAAG, Bangalore

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