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Study - Water Conservation only way forward!

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According to, DNA India, a recent study by former senior geologist KC Subhash Chandra and senior geologist GV Hegde with the state department of mines and geology, once again fortifies the fact that 'Water Conservation' is the only way forward for Bengaluru's water needs. says that about 22 lakh Bangaloreans face acute water shortage. The solution lies in preventing the surface run-off getting wasted in the drain along with sewage load. Water conserved thus could meet the requirement of about 24 lakh Bangaloreans.
Another solution lies in treating the sewage load at tertiary level so that such treated water is made available for domestic and drinking purposes of 25 lakh residents.

Courtesy - DNA India

Interesting Facts

Total need for City's 95 lakh population - 48, 600 ham


  • Normal annual rainfall - 830 mm
  • Total quantity in hectare metre (ham) - 66, 400 ham
  • Groundwater body Recharge - 2,125 ham ( 3.2 %)
  • Surface Run-Off - 17, 044 ham (25.66 %)
  • Evapo-Transiration - 47, 235 ham (71.13 %)

Source - Rivers

  • Tapped from distant rivers - 37, 375 ham
  • Actual qty received after 30% Losses - 24,923 ham

Source - Groundwater

  • Withdrawal from groundwater - 12, 450 ham


Total from above 2 sources = 37, 373 ham, which serves for only 73 lakhs only


Shortfall = 11, 227 ham - which means water shortage for 22 lakhs out 95 lakh population.



...the rainwater run-off and the treated sewage water together can serve the water requirement of about 50 lakh people or 53% of the city population.

Strict enforcement of water-related rules and Acts shall help in better management of water resources in a mega city like Bangalore, he said.

For more read 'Bangalore can ensure water to 50 lakh residents'


blrpraj's picture

very true

148 users have liked.

This is very true. Water conservation is the only way forward. This precious resource is drying up everywhere and is increasingly a problem not just in Bangalore but on a global scale.

Sanjeev's picture

The power of water : World Water Day

139 users have liked.

We are living in an age where without electricity, access to water becomes impossible. 

S. Vishwanath takes a look at the issues that need to be sorted out :

Without electricity access to water becomes impossible. Even household appliances such as the washing machine, the dishwasher and the increasingly ubiquitous R.O. filters in homes require electricity for operation. We pay more for water through our electricity bills than through our water bills, without being aware of it. This includes many municipalities and Gram Panchayats who also do not realise the true energy consumption in pumping water. About eight per cent of global energy produces is used to treat, transmit or pump water and treat wastewater.

Energy footprint

For cities itself, the water footprint is growing and so is the energy footprint. The city of Bangalore, for example, gets its water from a distance of nearly 100 km and every drop of water is to be lifted to a height of 300 metres. It is estimated that it takes nearly 1.88 units of electricity to get 1,000 litres of water to the city. Similarly Chennai pumps part of its water from the Veeranam lake, a distance of more than 200 km. It also has a desalination plant which requires energy to separate the salt from the water.

To produce energy too vast amounts of water are required. Hydro-electric projects require dams to store water and alter river flows. Run-of-the-river projects too require diversion structures which leave large stretches of rivers barren and exposed. Nuclear energy, thermal energy and even solar energy plants require large volumes of water. Wind energy is the only form of energy that requires no water in its operations.

Good analysis how water and energy linked.  Even post water use,  drains carry this water to water treatment plant.  Energy consumption for treating water and again puting back into the lakes or gardening.

Saving Lakes, Rivers,  Effective rainwater harvesting,  Reducing the wastage of  Water and  Reducing Energy usage  in all forms are the ways to go. comment guidelines

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