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Harnessing a scarce resource

160 users have liked.
Governor Rameshwar Thakur's call for constituting a 'Water Resources Regulatory Authority', vide the report in your columns on 26th March under the caption 'PPP can be answer to water scarcity', has not come a day too soon. Very much as the Chief Secretary has himself pointed out 'urban water bodies have failed miserably in supplying adequate water to citizens, and hence the need for PPP models'. As long as the water resources are in the control of a duly constituted regulatory authority, the Socialists cannot raise the bogey of privatisation. And, as for water supply, it is too vital an infrastructure area not to have the benefits of competence and expertise that the organised sector players alone can garner. Muralidhar Rao PS: The above is the text of the letter sent to Times of India. For more, read: http://privatised-water-s...


bangalorean's picture

Water Supply fact

160 users have liked.

Very good post, and we all know the fact that BWSSB has failed, in providing quality and quanity of water required for the growing bangalore.

For example,Bommanahalli which has been existing for more than Ten years does not even have adequate drinking water supplies and connections. Due to this people are spending thier own money for private borewells or even calling for Water Tankers. This is the state of it in many parts of bangalore......

This is a good move, and whole of BWSSB should be privatised and should cater for water, they can do far better job than what BWSSB is currently doing..... (Struggling)

It is not far when we can see many private Ltd companies working towards building basic infrastructure from stractch

XYZ Ltd Company - Water Supply

ABC Ltd - Electricity Distribution and Maintainance

EFG Ltd Company - Bus Transportation

G... Ltd Company - Airpot Facilities



tsubba's picture

supply side problems

162 users have liked.
very important topic. will go through your blogs in due time. meanwhile here is some shooting from the hip. distribution is fine. but the supply side is way beyond what any private agency can handle.

Jayalalithaa implemented

158 users have liked.

Jayalalithaa implemented with force mandatory Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) in Chennai. Even now the program is being implemented throughout Tamil Nadu.


It is a important precendent popularises of RWH should note. 

murali772's picture

Exactly, and the government

167 users have liked.
Exactly - Bangalorean avare', and the government can be down-sized to one-tenth the present size, and even half the Vidhan Soudha rented out, as already submitted by me earlier at Muralidhar Rao
Muralidhar Rao
murali772's picture

de-salination plants

159 users have liked.

Tarle - de-salination plants, if necessary, to tackle the supply side problem.

Muralidhar Rao

Muralidhar Rao
murali772's picture

38% not accounted

162 users have liked.
While on the subject, do not miss out Silkboard's earlier blog Muralidhar Rao
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