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BBMP's Koramangala flyover - wanna track it to death?

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BBMP website's RTI section has the RFP uploaded for grade separator being planned at the junction of 100 ft Inner Ring Road in Koramangala (click here). How about an experiment to give chance for members, even the remote/online-only ones, to go beyond posts and comments? Its simple - help us track this project to death, meaning, ask BBMP for details at every milestone.

Purpose won't be to torment and torture BBMP with RTIs, but, to work with them to get an idea of what BBMP should do to proactively radiate all information about its projects. If nothing else, we will at least get to know the difficulty they face in being more transparent about their projects - is it their internal IT systems, is it about their officer's habbits, or do they hide information on purpose? Lets just try and know.

This is a call to action. Journalism isn't the only way of creating news, activism and participation are some other. We aren't here to pursue journalism, only the latter two. And this is an experiment in that direction.

Right on top of BBMP's RFP document, you see this:

  • "1.2 The Objective and the Scope of the assignment are as follows.
    • a) Preparation of Feasibility report.
    • b) Detailed Surveys as indicated in Terms of Reference which is needed for feasibility study.
    • c) Traffic management Planning.
    • d) Detailed Cost estimation, Economical evaluation and Bill of Quantities.
    • e) Carry out impact assessment and risk analysis.
    • f) Preparation of DPR as JNNURM Complaint.
    • g) Develop Implementation schedule."

All we want to do is track the project on all of above. Last point above is an implementation schedule. Plus, the RFP mentions some deadlines as well (can read them yourself, or else this post will turn too boring). We will check with BBMP on those each time a deadline approaches.

Work involved here is easy - keep calling and emailing BBMP as per a schedule. If they don't answer, you would be sending RTI letters. If you are remote (not in Bangalore), we will help by filing RTIs - you give over the questions in a document, local members will print and mail them along with Rs 10 required per application.

So let us all know, right here, via comment, or private message to "admin" if you want to join this experimental project. We call this an experiment, because we want to see what happens if all we simply do is take interest, merely by checking and asking around.

Look forward to the comments with interest. Low interest in this 'project' will simply tell us that we have more work to - either have to reach more people, or have to think of other ideas to tap the power of collaboration.


{know, care, participate}


tsubba's picture

exact location & attn. ids

198 users have liked.
where exactly is this? sony world junction? we could start with running a poll to see if people really think this is necessary. public opinion survey is one of the required documents in the rfp. ids... from that document, though tyou might be interested... "Detailed justifications shall be provided wherever deviations from Indian Standards, IRC Code of Practice, MORT&H specification and other standards including safety standards during execution are contemplated."
idontspam's picture

TS - I am counting on Sudhir

192 users have liked.

This proves there can be an MORTH/IRC+ (even though this clause is probably used for MORTH/IRC-) as long as deviations are documented. I need this validated. If you remeber this was one of my questions to Sudhir. I am waiting for him to get me answers from his friends and send me IRC 36 specs. He hasnt gotten around to it yet.

ramesh_mbabu's picture

Re:exact location & attn. ids

195 users have liked.
Polling is not a way to decide the suitability/necessity of such an infrastructrue project. There should be scientific reasons behind it, say if PCU is over a certain number on a 4 way junction the traffic can not be handled by a signal and it require a flyover/grade separator with certain design. It should also consider future growth in near future. How do you do a poll on such an issue? Only for those residing around (personal interest will be more than the public interest in thsi case), or only those who commute through the junction regularly?
silkboard's picture

root problem vs assumed solution

175 users have liked.

First up, lets take interest in this thing. Unplanned growth has taken a visible toll of Koramangala over last 7-8 years. I assume there will be a lot many aggreived citizens aka potential activists there. Even otherwise, email and phone are enough to do the tracking and follow up here.

So far, nobody has shown interest in tracking this. I have some other Praja projects (somebody calls them 'prajects') on hand, or else I would have. Waiting for 2-3 folks to take up this 'experiment'.

Now, responses to some comments above. Ramesh_mbabu, so right, and that is what the hard thing is - how do you such things in "democratic" way. Poll in local area will cover local interests better than long term city's interests. Even otherwise, not many realize that flyovers are wasted investments over long term.

To me, the right way for BBMP to do this is to send out an RFP asking for solutions to the root problem which is - how to speed up long distance traffic that goes through Koramangala. When asking for a design for the flyover, BBMPhas already "assumed" a solution.

In democracy, we need polls etc to agree on the problem. Lets have a referandum at Koramangala, what are the problems for the area (ward 68). Options could be

  • short haul commute
  • long haul commuters corwding ward 68
  • Noise and dust due to traffic
  • Parking problem
  • Pedestrian issues, etc, etc

Now, if Ward 68 votes for short haul commute and problems created by long haul commuters as the top 2 problems, then BBMP needs to send out an RFP detailing the problem and asking for solutions. Detailing the problem is something people can be engaged in. Once you put out the RFP, solutions will come in - some will say flyover, some will say a new Koramangala by-pass road via a shortcut from Ejipura to ORR, some will say dedicated bus lanes to discourage cars and autos, some will say monorail. Some will say a flyover near Sukhsagar, and not near 100 ft road, some will say 10 more signals on Inner Ring Road. Whatever.

Bottomline, solutions are to be provided by experts, not popular opinions. BBMP isn't the expert, and flypver is the popular opinion, and an "assumed" solution.

Back to this post - RFP is already out. Street protests against the flyover will not help, we will be seen as villains. Best we can do is to track this in great details. What say?

Devesh's picture

Flyover + Elevated Road a better solution

170 users have liked.

In my humble opinion, this will not solve the problems significantly.

Koramangala has become the thoroughfare for all the IT traffic from the Maruthi/Embassy complex and also further Indiranagar/OMR to/from JP Nagar, Jayanagar etc. 

The various junctions on the 100ft road between ST Bed and Sarjapur road cannot be avoided. These are for the benefit of Koramangala residents. (I live on the road directly opposite the Canara Bank). Thanks to the one-way implementation on 1st Cross (Jyothi Nivas) and 5th Cross (where I live), the traffic has gone beserk. 

A better solution may be for the authorities to consider the grade separator leading to an elevated road that runs the length of the 100ft road till Sarjapur Road for the segregation of through traffic.

Another aspect which has probably not been fully considered. The Sony world junction is about the lowest point in Koramangala, which by itself is in a tank bed and depressed. The smallest amount of rain, creates flooding. So the traditional grade separator with one road being depressed will only add to the problems.

Far worse than the Sony World junction is the Forum junction at Koramangala. This is in desperate need of Magic Boxes if nothing else coupled with a Skywalk. I am sure, Prestige Constructions, the owners of Forum, would have already offered to build the skywalk. I do not know why it has not been implemented till date.



Devesh R. Agarwal

Visit my aviation blog at

Bangalore Aviation
Enjoy life, destroy FUD
silkboard's picture

Koramangala through traffic - a shot at long term solutions

174 users have liked.

Number 1)

When it comes to commuting to those offices in Domlur, usage of public transport is alarmingly low. There isn't even a decent bus stand on Inner Ring Road near the Embassy complex. And even after you get down at the present bus stand, you still have a long walk to endure. Net net? A big no when it comes to persuading public to use buses to go to this complex.

So, what do we do? Some commute time Vajras to a bus stand on Inner ring Road. Couple these with a shuttle service connecting the bus stand with the deeper reaches of Embassy complex.

Number 2)

Indiranagar to Electronics City or south west Bangalore traffic (J P Nagar, Jayanagar side) traffic uses IRR and must pass through Koramangala. Many will suggest either a new alternative road (skirt around Ejipura/Agara to join ORR), or an elevated section to bypass ground traffic from Ejipura till St Johns. BAD IDEA!

So? CTTP already talks about a high density bus corridor from Indiranagar to E-City. We have discussed the route here on Praja as well (here it is - Indiranagar to E-City). Its time to start thinking about a "light weight" rapid bus corridor. (leight weight = a bus corridor which is mostly mixed mode, but some priority to buses at identified choke points, for ex: a magic box only for buses at Sony World junction)

So here I am - at least took a shot at two solutions with long term approach. But we know what will happen. One set of flyovers will start from Ejipura side. And another will start from Madivala side. More flyovers will surface with time, perhaps 4 or 5 would result over next 5 years providing a perfect sine wave ride to car happy commuters.

To think that some serious CEOs from IT world live in Koramangala, at times I am surprised at the decay the place has witnessed over last 6-7 years.

Devesh - CityConnect has a project running to get buses going to Domlur/Embassy complex. Do you want to pitch in with some BCIC weight to that project?

tsubba's picture

Paging IDS

192 users have liked.
IDS, i have a request. you are the boss on the various codes and how they fit. MORTH,IRC+, IRC-. over the weekend, or when ever you get time, can you do a small forum post on these things. What the different codes are and how they operate. atleast some pointers about how you got whatever gyaan you got. its ok even if it is rough and crude. important thing is to get the idea going. thanks a million.
idontspam's picture

Re: Paging IDS

170 users have liked.

Not an expert on IRC as there is just too much stuff in there. I wanted to just validate one thing and here it is

While IRC is used as an excuse to not do certain things, I can say none of the streets in Bangalore follow ALL IRC specs. I am not sure if there is database of all the roads with their capacity, specs and classification to enable proper planning and validate if they follow IRC or not. There is ample scope to accept Praja suggestions and implement within the ambit of IRC. We can use IRC codes to validate praja suggestions before putting them across to the various people

Devesh's picture

BCIC is a member of Bangalore City Connect

179 users have liked.

Devesh - CityConnect has a project running to get buses going to Domlur/Embassy complex. Do you want to pitch in with some BCIC weight to that project?

SB, BCIC is already a member of BCCF. BCCF is divided in to many sub groups, each focussing on various aspects of transportation.

By the way, the TransInnova summit will be on 9 - 11 September. Check out This will be the summit for transport issues.



Devesh R. Agarwal

Visit my aviation blog at


Bangalore Aviation
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