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September 2010

GoK's social sector work - Healthcare?

Syed attempted to start a deeper look at Karnataka's programs in healthcare sector. Wanted to check if some online voluteers (search 'warriors') are interested to join in to dig out data and details on how state is doing in this important social sector.

For starters, there are three broad headings under which state is spending money in this sector

Bangalore Police - performance data

So, how much do you know about Police's performance. Policing is on part of infrastructure that doesn't get 'reviewed' as such. And thanks to movies and what not, our take on police is mostly based on misconpcetions, and not data.

ABIDe's working group on Right To Education Act

Got a press release from Abide office. Title: "ABIDe forms working group to review implementation of Right To Education Act and make recommendation to Government".


Press Release

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