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August 2010

Wrong entry by motorists causing dangerous situation at new Kadugodi flyover

The new flyover at Kadugodi opposite to Brindavan ashram is proving a great help to all commuters in terms of saving time and travel comfort. However, a minor design flaw has already created a dangerous driving situation there. Drivers, especially of autos and bikes are wrongly entering the bridge without taking the u-turn designated for them causing accidents.

Arrogance personified

In a crude show of political might, labour minister B N Bacche Gowda and his gunman physically assaulted a family which dared to overtake the minister’s vehicle. When Bharat (the driver of the vehicle) questioned if he had committed any crime by overtaking the minister’s vehicle, Gowda allegedly stepped out of his car and physically assaulted Bharat.

Right to Information act (RTI) and transparency

 In this age of the internet and exponential growth of the web, the RTI act 2005 should have been at best, a history by now. It is amazing to read the RTI 2005 document available on the web. It creates posts like Chief Information Commissioner and what not, for providing the so called information. I admit I could not, nor was I interested in reading this kind of document.

Want to know how a govt dept prioritizes things?

Happy I'day to all. Got a proposal for an RTI gig. Would take IDD (Infrastructure Development Department of Govt of Karnataka, currently headed by Mr V Madhu) only as an example, but we could pick any other busy government department as a target. The idea is to find out how the dept decides on the priority of projects it has on hands.

Make Independence Day and Republic Day compulsory at Schools and Colleges

Hey Praja's Very happy 63rd Independence Day.

While celebrating the same, i was wondering what is happening to our nation now. We don't see school children dressed up in colors or uniforms going to the school and celebrating the Independence Day / Republic Day, no loud speakers singing patriotic Song.

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