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June 2009

Using Social Media for Mobilisation

19 Jun 2009 18:30
19 Jun 2009 20:00

For some time now, blogs, facebook  and other forms of social media have been used extensively for rallying people around an issue or a cause. However, what makes some of these campaigns more successful than others? Does the workability of social media for mobilisation depend on the manner in which information is designed and/or disseminated?

GOI online 'Working' Grievance forum

Dear All,  

School Bus - Another Business?

Nowadays, School Bus Fares is even higher than School Fees. This has become like a daylight robbery done by School Management in the name of education.

Silence Please!

19 Jun 2009 17:00
19 Jun 2009 20:00

Come Friday evening, Hudson Circle, one of the more congested traffic spots in the city, will witness a peace march of a different kind, where “silence” will be both its method and message.

Why is the Bellandur Lake Dead?

There are 20 storms cum sewage water inlets feeding polluted water into the Bellandur Lake in total. Out of this only one inlet namely Koramangala Challaghatta (KC) valley inlet water is being treated before discharging into the Lake.

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