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June 2009

Maintenance of the storm water drainage system

When the boy Abhishake died BBMP attracted the ire of whole Bangalore. Subramanya some how was always in a fighting mood. He even put a case against the Loka Aukata himself, which attracted the wrath of the CM Mr. Yediyurappa.

Note Change in Date - 20/June - Monthly Praja Meeting - June, 2009

20 Jun 2009 07:30
20 Jun 2009 08:00

NOTE: Date Changed to 20/June, Same Time, Same Venue.

Sorry for this late notice for the monthly meet.....

Agenda: Discuss project progress and activities for the immediate future.

See last month's meeting note for location etc.

Ideas, Inventions and innovation

 Idea is a thought or conception which actually exists only in the mind. An idea when the thought is converted into an object, process or technique which displays an element of novelty becomes an invention. However, some inventions also represent a radical breakthrough in science or technology which extends the boundaries of human knowledge.

Who can build metro?

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