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April 2009

Educative ads

If you haven't seen this PCRA ad yet, you should. Simple yet effective. One of the better ones I have come across recently (I hardly catch 10 minutes of TV these days, so might have easily missed a lot more).

Such ads might be our best bet to make us realize consequences of our current actions.

Private transport - time for disincentives

The acceptance of a bus service depends on these:
1. Frequency
2. Reliability (Punctuality) of arrival at bus stops
3. Density of bus stops - how close they are to your starting and destination points.

Accident rate down..

Saw this in today's (13th Apr) TOI...

Parking vs pedestrians - What about Brigade Road?

I believe a similar survey (like Commercial St.)should be done on Brigade Road - at the very least they should ban parking on Brigade Road betweem MG and Residency Roads. Instead the govt seems to be planning on wasting money on yet another pointless plan

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