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April 2009

Bangalore elections

Hi Pals, I need to check up to whom we can vote in Bangalroe south ??.  Any updates on the candidates will be great for me to select the right candidate to vote. I know my vote is valid hence need to analyze before voting.

Oxford Street 'diagonals'

Work to re-structure the pedestrian crossings at Oxford Circus to include a diagonal option starts this week as part of the Oxford Regent Bond Street (ORB) Action Plan. To redress the pedestrian/ vehicular balance, pavement area is being increased by 63 per cent. With the extra space created by de-cluttering, this represents an overall increase of 69 per cent.

Youth Manifesto "Lets Set the Agenda"

18 Apr 2009 09:00
18 Apr 2009 12:30

Posting on behalf of Resurgent India Trust

The Future - Grim Realities

An interesting presentation that I came across about the grim future :



'Prevent Voting' - new criminal political strategy

Candidates are finding dubious means to ensure victory in elections - last assembly elections - a sure shot candidate defeated - another candidate who had no chance at all won with huge margin - How were these managed?

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