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July 2008

Driver Education DVD now available

Dear all,

Some of you are aware that I have produced 17 driver education videos about a year ago. All videos are posted on Praja and can be seen online. The videos now have over 100,000 online views and are available on a DVD. Every week I get requests for the videos to be supplied as a DVD. Given that I am currently working abroad, it became very difficult to sustain sending out DVDs (over a hundred were sent out free).

Upcoming flyover on ORR at BTM - short sighted?

Its flyover time again. BBMP has invited bids for "Consultancy Services For Preparation Of DPR For The Construction Of Grade Separator At The Junction Of Ring Road And 16th Main BTM Layout". (Also see:RFP for this flyover). So once this is done, those heading towards Electronics City, instead of waiting at 16th main signal, they will all wait longer at the silk board signal. And in the evenings, the signal under Jaideva circle flyover will see twice or thrice the amount of waiting traffic it currently does.

Lodging and Boarding in Bangalore - Enough and Reasonable?

It seems we have a 'Nack' of overlooking some imporatant needs of the city. We try to overlook the need and at times go to an extent that we rubbishes the need. This needs suddenly erupts like a volcano and then suddenly we wake up from our deep sleeps and myopic urges, we start shouting from roof tops about the volcanoes. Then we start blaming everybody except ourselves. In order to beat the others in this blaming game we give ourselves tags like experts and what not.

The reason I don't use BMTC buses

Dirty and crowded
33% (47 votes)
Slower than my car or bike
11% (16 votes)
Don't know schedules and timings
22% (31 votes)
No or too few buses on my commute route
26% (37 votes)
Bus stand too far from house
8% (12 votes)
Total votes: 143

Traffic Chaos and Reforms: Analysis and way forward

Sharing with Praja members, two compilations.

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