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July 2008


There's a local saying that if you do your 50%, God will do the remaining 50%.

Our CM quoted in today's TOI: "I have implicit faith in God. I went to Tirupati temple and cried before the Lord around 4.30 am. I asked him why 5.5 crore people in the state are being punished for no fault of theirs. Our prayers have been answered with good rain’’.

God is doing his bit faithfully year after year. Is man's bit only to pray to God?

Muralidhar Rao

Understanding law and order + policing

[Forked out of this thread on id-cards] Talking law and order in general, the mess is probably deeper than the issue of id-cards: there are a lot of things involved. Lets try analyze this if we can. Let me put a common sense based list of things on the table as I see them:

Why do you own a car?

I love my car. I don’t care what it costs me or to the society.
0% (0 votes)
I like that others love my car. I will switch to an alternative, that secures my identity and social status.
0% (0 votes)
TINA – There is No (Practical) Alternative. I will switch the day an alternative is available.
71% (32 votes)
I don't own a car and don't intend to.
29% (13 votes)
Total votes: 45

Road near NGEF - when?

The Railway Road Line in Sadanand Nagar near NGEF has been closed for almost 4 months now.

The Alternate road is in shambles. The residents of the area are finding it difficult to commute. Buses run only one way.

Autos refuse to come to the layout.

And no end in sight in spite of promises by the Local MLA Mr Reghu and all the officials concerned.

God save us.

'Local bodies pocket Rs 151.8 cr ... '

Interesting news article from New Indian Express - "Local Bodies pocket Rs 151.8 cr ...":

The latest Comptroller and Auditor General of India report has revealed that of the Rs 174.59 crore collected by the local bodies between 2004 and 2006 towards cess, only Rs 5.33 crore was transferred to the Government.

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