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October 2007

At red lights, there are NO FREE left turns

Video 4: At red lights, there are NO FREE left turns Fourth in the series of driver education, this video emphasizes the fact that at red lights there is no FREE Left turn. This short video hopefully will educate and eradicate such mis-conceptions from the minds of the Indian driver's. This is vital as the idea of a free left turn puts pedestrian lives at risk.

Speed limits, stopping distances and 2 second rule

Video 12: Speed limits, stopping distances and 2 second rule Travelling on Indian roads involves enduring indisciplined traffic. Over and above this, lack of training and information means few if any of the drivers are aware of speed limits, stopping distances and the rather useful 2 seconds rule. This video makes this vital information available to all drivers.

Lakes & Waterbodies

Lakes in Bangalore likely to be declared reserve forests Swathi Shivanand & Divya Gandhi For The Hindu Panache@flickr

The Zebra Belongs To The Pedestrians

Video 5: The Zebra Belongs To The Pedestrians Indian driver's are known to not follow rules. Worse still,they show no respect to a fellow human - the pedestrian. Most driver's fail to stop at the zebra crossings for the pedestrians. Perhaps this video will encourage the Indian driver's to follow the rules i.e. The Zebra belongs to the pedestrians and bring about a much needed cultural change on Indian roads.

Lane discipline and overtaking

Video13: Lane discipline and overtaking The driving test in India at best expects learner drivers to manage the clutch and accelerator. Given that there is no theory test, drivers have little understanding of blind-spots, principle of mirrors signal and manoeuvre. Both these concepts are vital to effectively manage changing lanes and overtaking safely. This video hopes to bring these principles to fore.

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