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October 2007

Its a Shrinking World

Even as working mothers at EC complain of not being able to spend time with their new borns, KA Govt's incessant, relentless attack on BMIC, gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "its a shrinking world".

If last week it was Global Infrastructure Consortium and its monorail, this week its, I'm kidding you not, Asian Infrastructure Consortium, headed by a Malaysian monorail company! Even before you can say Swiss Challenge, within one week, HDK's KA govt has come up with a whole new proposal and a whole new petition.

Do blogs also need to be marketed ?

With a horde of blogs competing with each other for attention, they need some kind of marketing. This is necessary not only for retention but also to attract new ideas from more people.

DLF to build a 'new Bangalore' at Bidadi !

Looks like DLF is all set to translate BMRDA's satellite town vision into reality. As per today's newspapers, BMRDA is going to award the contract for building a Knowledge City at Bidadi to DLF. The project involves an investment of Rs 60000 crores!! Here are some interesting snippets pulled out from the media reports this morning:

Bangalore Metro Phase 1 Extensions

The TOI is reporting that BMRC has decided to add another 8 kms to the existing 33 kms of phase 1 of Bangalore Metro.

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