Venue: Foot of K R Puram cable bridge where Old Madras Road and Outer ring Road merge
Date and Time: Saturday, 31st Jan, Feb 7, 10:00 AM (I wonder whats the busiest time here on a Saturday)
Details: The chaos may not present itself in its best form on a Saturday morning, but let us get together and experiences the joy of crossing the road here. The main objective though will be to comprehensively scan and photograph the area and think of solutions. We will mail all the pictures and output to NHAI, Traffic Police and BDA, and use them to create visual representations of possible solutions
Disclaimer: You are responsible for your own safety. Neither praja.in nor myself will be responsible for any injuries you might sustain during the course of this event.
The trigger
Not that the chaos of KR Pura bridge is a recent discovery. But I got to share the event that has triggered this barrage of posts on this area.
Here is what I witnessed last week. A child, student dressed in light blue uniform ran onto the traffic on OMR. He emerged from that "hole" in the barricade on the median. After escaping being hit by a motorcycle, the kid made a retreat, and almost hit a Tata ace on his way back to the median. He ended up 100% safe, but it wasn't funny to see any of this.
Only Rithesh and I?
Just the two of us is it? Would welcome some more public photographers and public analysts :)
I am there
I have some inputs to be given in this regard.
- Saturday is not a peak day for the people movement. It is on all working day.
- The traffic chaos starts at 5.30am at K.R.Puram junction. That is when all the inbound trains arrive and the movement of Autorickshaw are so hapazard, complemented by the out bound trucks.
- Location's that needs time to be spent is K.R.Puram Railway station, Tin Factory Junction, Benniganahalli in front of ICICI Bank and ITI Colony.
- There can be some immediate solution for the vehicle and pedestrian movement at K.R.Puram Rly station junction.
I will post some photos of these location and provide a linkCKannan
I am in !
Photos Uploaded
A solution for eastbound OMR/ORR lanes
Can we move to the following week - Feb 7?
Kannan, Rithesh, Vishal - can we move this to Feb 7? I want to go to the cycling workshop instead.
Objective to be met
Other junctions!
I will be there at 10am
I would also like to collect my book from CKannan when we meet on 7th at this event.
Lets start early
My take would be that we meet up at around 8:00 - the traffic is at its peak around 9:00.
Mr Kannan what do you suggest?
Also by 10 the sunlight will be too harsh for photography.
Cheers, Rithesh
peak time is a little late on Saturday
I have noticed that 9-10am is the peak hour on Saturday. Actualy, 8 am is not that crowded even on weekdays. I cross this stretch every weekday (coming from whitefield side) at around 8 to 8.45 am, so speaking from observation.
Who else is coming. It will be great to get a few photographers.
phone # for last minute confusion
Call 98453-01075 for any last minute confusion. Be there by 10, near HP bunk, marked below:
If you are not familliar with the area, be careful that you have to move around a lot to take U turns.